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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. You're just being lucky bro... my Sixline behaved well for the first 3 months... before turning into a monster Probably my 3 feet tank is too small for 2 wrasses So if there is such a questionable fish... why risk it?
  2. haha... I was about to suggest hat to you... another thing you forgot to mention... COMPATIBILITY with your current LS... it's heartbreaking to see my SixLine torture my Leopard Wrasse... too much for any reefers to go through
  3. Interesting... PLS TAKE IT WITH A PINCH OF SALT http://www.theculturedreef.com/pfo.htm According to the author: The above picture is quick reading of PAR. I was hoping to have Sanjay Joshi or some other author publish data, however it appears this may be awhile. I expect to have PAR readings in a tank soon. The Solaris reads 178 PAR vs 133 PAR for the 250W Radium Bulb.
  4. Your Sixline may bully the Yellow Coris and it digs (I think)
  5. I know bro... I originally thought FH Condo is another funky name HDB came up with
  6. Oh it sorta struck me... FH is Freehold. Haha... a bit slow lately. The condo I bought was LH (Leasehold). So a good location Freehold (2 room) is around that price $550k (minimum). Personally, I wouldn't care too much if it is LH or FH. Location is the deciding factor (but most good locations are usually FH). Here's my take on a condo. No matter if it is FH or LH, the condo will not be able to last more than 30 years. Look at a building from the 70s... you think someone will pay a lot for it? If the difference is $150K (after 30 years repayment = $300K) and that makes a huge difference in your monthly installments especially at this initial stage since you said you were in your 20s. I bought my condo at 27 and I know how it feels... better not over commit something that you will have difficulty later... who knows... another major recession could be around the corner... it happens every 3 to 5 years anyway. And a condo is not an investment... a landed property is. Look at those condos from the 80s... do you want to swim in their swimming pool? Their lift smells and walls/floor tiles cracking already... so definitely you will have heartache if you sacrifice too much of your lifestyle for it. In the end of the day... it is just a "nest" for us to rest in... reality bites All the best to you SIS (and BRO)
  7. Oh yeah... a nice one. Saw some nice specimens at Coral Farm few days ago.
  8. Shouldn't be a problem without a car. Anyway if both of you are working, the CPF alone can cover most of the monthly installments. Where is the location? Seems a bit expensive to me. 2 years ago, we bought a private brand new condo (by Centrepoint Properties) 2 room, 1050 sq. ft. in Woodlands for $450K only. That time property price was quite rock bottom lah. No scenery, 4th floor. But full facilities (4 swimming pools!!!) That time we bought fully-built units some more, less than 1 month moved in already. So if you gotto wait 3 years for the project... $560k is way too much unless in central locations (or opposite MRT stations). You may wanna consider private condos instead (I assume FH is developed by HDB)
  9. Don't get Yellow Tang, they grow too fast.. good luck in your quest in finding a small affordable YELLOW fish
  10. I originally bought TwisterM, then decided to upgrade to Bubble Master 250 as my new tank keeps expanding from 2.5" to 4" (and beyond). Since AM is the one doing my tank also, they agreed to allow me upgrade to BM 250. I always believe in overskimming anyway. Yes, let's meet up one day and try your creation out... but wiill have to wait till my new tank produces sufficient wastes to test your impellers properly.
  11. Thanks bro... I just want this new tank to be more social... feeling real bad coz my current tank makes me very anti-social... like I've got something to hide... Hehe... we shall discover the hobby together. 1 thing I still believe... knowledge comes from the willingness to learn and explore... and spending large amount of money doesn't equals to knowledge or a successful reef... just higher chances of succeeding It can still fail
  12. True... and also dun wan to stop SIS from coming over also... we need to create a more SIS-friendly environment for this hobby
  13. Hehe... I believe the ATI Bubble Master 250 can produce all the skimmate But don't expect it to be immediate... as this tank will be geared towards full SPS, I will limit the number and size of fishes... damn those Tangs and Perculas grow too fast I want to start the tank with very minimal feeding... keeping it sustainable for the initial half a year... while I struggle to learn more on SPS keeping and advanced reef keeping That's why I can't transfer my Blue Tang and Chevron Tang over from my old tank... they are real bombers Even more scary with my Tunzes... the bombs will dissolve in mid air (before reaching the floor bed) Actually it is a good thing when it comes to filtration system... just not a very pretty sight
  14. Oh bro... yes I misunderstood you... But seriously, I don't think I can provide so much leh... I think you guys just have to come over without expecting alcohol and women... just corals, fishes and equipments Do not want to dilute this hobby
  15. Don't worry, I have the MCE600 and my contractor can help build it using acrylic. Maybe get the pieces cut, we just need to glue them together. It's pretty easy as there is no rounded pieces (no need bending or moulding). The most important is the needlewheel pump. Perhaps we can try do a threadwheel (ATI) and put inside the MCE600... surely rocks!!! For sure we need to design a larger collection cup for the CJ600 (CJ for Colin/Jervis). If you are interested, we can meet up and proceed with the project Let's make 2 pieces... limited edition
  16. Haha... funny leh... while loading the photographs... I really thought got such Tang I get that all the time... BT can move very quickly... the same goes to wrasses too... But the way BT glows can be very scary sometimes
  17. AquaCulture station? Mind sharing a pix of the station? Or I missed it somewhere
  18. Bro Colinsoon... as meticulous as usual... your DIY spirit already reached a critical stage bro... interested to embark on some more interesting/ambitious projects? Haha... I want to learn from you lah... you provide the brain... I provide the bread Wanna do a replica MCE600?
  19. Yes that's the common name for it... also known as Pagoda (as it does come in pagoda shape) Actually Turbinaria Coral is a more specific name http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_di...?pcatid=475&N=0
  20. Nice to know that my Cleaner Shrimps are still doing their jobs (instead of just mating and molting day and night)
  21. Ah... so she got her mushies... you get your "mushies"
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