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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Yes... quite true... but how often do you see clams that size? Even the Maxima is HUGE!!!
  2. I am planning to get more tubes (4ft) for my office tank... possibly with dimming also. Maybe Solaris (if available).
  3. His LFS is in Miri (Sarawak)... probably those giant clams were caught nearby... amazingly HUGE!!! Oh bro... they mate by shooting sperm into the water... hahahaha...
  4. Ok I got a feeling I will start to sell (as a package) tonight. I am also planning to lighten my bio-load for the time being as the transition will surely divert my attention to the new tank more... dun wan the home tank to deteriorate
  5. The solution looks like Black Coffee actually Did a calibration using my PC... the ORP electrode does require calibration indeed... my reading shows 272mV on a 240mV solution (before calibration). Just by a click of a mouse button, it's done. Hovering between 238mV to 242mV for a couple of minutes while the electrode is still inside the bottle.
  6. Tiny updatez for Aquatronica. The Aquatronica Redox (ORP) Calibration Solution finally arrived 1 week ago. Took this opportunity to wash/clean the ORP electrode at the same time. Be mindful that the probe tip is very fragile (just a tiny metal pin), so be very careful when cleaning it especially if you are using cloth to wipe it dry. Note: AM retail price $25 a bottle (please don't PM me for price, thanks).
  7. Thanks bro TnTr2... I will take very good care of it and hopefully I can learn how to propagate it... making more frags available to reefers... doing my tiny bit for nature
  8. Looking at the position of the Tunze Stream 6200 and the scaping... I kinda understand why you were recommended a 6200 instead of smaller Streams. That's a good decision bro... I might do the same too for my tank as I might have trouble hiding all my 3 Streams (2 6000 + 1 6060). Sometimes... we just have to listen to the expert
  9. Well with your 3 giant clams... I think they can contribute to NO3 export quite well... damn... 2ft clam?!?
  10. Gotto be fast though, the new owner of the MCE600 will collect the unit from me in mid September, but I can always document the MCE600 beforehand... dimensions and every detail
  11. Tridacna Croceas... surprisingly able to capture its true colours using white LEDs
  12. My Tridacna Gigas... sleeping Oh dear... look at the coralline algae growth on its shell... scary
  13. White LED torchlight series... my Blue Linckia... hopefully not consuming my Yumas
  14. Coz bro Cherm is using 2 Blue Plus + 1 Actinic tubes... personally I'm afraid the remaining 2 Aquablue Spezial + 1 Superwhite don't create sufficient PAR and PUR... but again depends on what bro Cherm intends to keep
  15. I know... I'm curious how they will look like when I pull the Tonga branch out... will document that when I move it to my new tank
  16. Thanks for your support bro... but put where? Your sump?
  17. Err... not really... in the future maybe I think it's good to run the office using solar panels
  18. Don't overdo it... you may create more stress to your Angel. I am considering running a UV for my new tank too.
  19. Hi guys Might want to sell if offer is not too rediculous... ATI Powermodul T5 (German made) 3ft - 39W x 6 tubes 3 built-in cooling fans Hanging mount only! Set will come with 8 ATI tubes (6 tubes 3 months old, 2 tubes 1+ month): 4 Aquablue Spezial 2 Blue Plus 1 Superwhite 1 Actinic Blue I bought the set at around $900.00 - receipt is available, warranty will be transfered to new owner. I also have a set of AquaMedic Light Computer, perfect to control the ATI Powermodul + moonlight (28-days moon phase), willing to sell at $200 (only together with ATI Powermodul) I will get AquaMarin to deliver to your place and install it for you... just like a brand new set! (out of my own expenses) Please PM me your offer... no rediculous offer please... don't waste both our time for your time
  20. Well... that's 650W of power bro... you know how environmental friendly I am
  21. My Tonga Radioactive Zoas with amazing growth... extending all the way to the sand bed too Too bad my Algae Blenny hangs around there most of the time... such a nuisance to my Zoas But once they grow larger and gotten used to nearby movements... they will not be so sensitive anymore... even Zoas can adapt to situation
  22. My beloved Red Rubies One true success story... polyp extending more than 200%... 7 polyps to 30 polyps within 3 months... no colour deterioration at all... as good as original (if not better)... so far I only know of another such colony in an anonymous reefer's tank
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