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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Let me check the next time I drop by... should be 1262
  2. Haha... u and your mushies craze... I guess that's how we reefers excite ourselves
  3. Now what's wrong with short & stubby... well bro I have not tried one before to be honest with you
  4. Haha... quite an appropriate name
  5. I'm trying to get hold of a Digital Air Flow Meter... on loan of course... will let you know if the owner is willing Show the bubble/foam pushing up the neck please
  6. Hehe... only me... so far I'm the only reefer who "stress" about power consumption Note: Not becoz I'm damn environmental friendly, coz that's the only expenses I can't hide from my CFO
  7. That is definitely very cheap compared to using Rowaphos... and thanks bro for sharing this piece of information... I have 1 question though, if you are already using Rowaphos, how come your tank PO4 can still be at 0.3/0.5? And yes, once you bring PO4 down to almost undetectable level... the corals will open big Just wondering what went wrong with your most expensive investment (Rowaphos)... you run a FR? Or just put them inside stocking?
  8. The Bubble Master air valve is not controllable... let's see how well it can skim with that much air
  9. This theory has been proven by a lot of researches and studies... isn't it interesting suddenly... tall and slim is not the ANSWER anymore I think Marie France Bodyline gonna lose a lot of customers
  10. Very impressive bro... now that's gonna skim your water to clean you can have a full tank of SPS
  11. Yes it is... but I do wish to own a BK in the future though... but right now a Bubble Master will do
  12. Your meter already showing 2500 litres of air per hour!!! How much more do you need? It already exceeded the amount of air most protein skimmers (at its price range) can produce many times fold
  13. Perhaps it can stay there as an indication for you to maintain the threadwheel... once it shows lower than 2500, then it's time to do major maintenance. As for the workmanship, I've seen the Bubble Master and handled the Twister®M before... now if you are comparing to Bubble King... then it is as silly as buying a Jaguar and complaining that the interior is not as well-built as a Bentley
  14. Bro u using a Beckett now right? How do you like the skimmate?
  15. Bro w3ish3ng's take on pressure does makes sense... no harm trying I guess... what's the power consumption for the pump that comes with the Beckett?
  16. Really? Now the whole world knows how silly I was with my little mishap while doing the review at bro Lyz77's tank Readers from ReefCentral... welcome!!! You guys can get a lot more info on the ATI skimmer at the following link: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...opic=51766&st=0 for dropping by
  17. Well with all the trouble of moving large amount of water in and out of the tank... I just have 2 questions: 1) How much cost savings compared to using Rowaphos or some cheaper alternatives such as PhosGuard or SORB-4? 2) How much better is this FeSO4 compared to those on-the-shelf products mentioned earlier? I may not sound as upbeat here (as I am a dummy when it comes to chemistry)... but it's still a very interesting discovery...
  18. Err... bro you gave up an extremely low power consumption skimmer to a high power consumption skimmer? What's the power needed to power up that beast?
  19. Very nice... too bad mine doesn't come with the air flow meter (anymore)
  20. Wah... very nice... can't wait for my Baby to fire up Yes I got a feeling the air flow meter will not be able to show its maximum airflow as this original design (with air flow meter) was designed for the 1260 (49W producing 2000 ltrs of air per hour). So with a much powerful pump now 1262 (80W)... surely this will shoot the air flow meter to the max! Good stuff... this is indeed a poor man's Bubble King
  21. Sure or not? You so lucky... can get GAY Anthias
  22. Haiz... so sad when 2 beauties fight... gotto decide one or the other...
  23. Oh man... the list is going to be so longgggggggggg Basically every imaginable wastes will end up in an (efficient) skimmer collection cup... That's why it makes sense to invest in the best protein skimmer one can afford
  24. How large is your Square Anthias? Normally I only see large specimens Nice if got small (2" to 3") ones.
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