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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Now bro... got a feeling this will lead us to some really serious issues... about how we indulge in this hobby with the great amount of money... and how little we are helping the needy (in terms of financial)... well... I must say I am guilty as charge... Let's say if we are to organize something here... which foundation/group u guys think we should focus on? Environmental group? Any marine protection group based in Singapore? But got a feeling those environmental group will protest and stop us from keeping corals Better low key or else... all my corals will be raided
  2. Yupe something like that... that's where a poly workshop comes real handy
  3. Actually it's quite true bro... I have not been contributing to charity for a while now (esp. after NKF saga)... em... perhaps we can organize something here... perhaps charity coral sale? Let me know if you guys are interested
  4. Well... bro you can't hate people for spending their hard earn money... who knows he already donated 40% of his income to charities... we are not all Saints... we still need to spend money to make ourself feel special and "worth it"... for me at least But you can hate him for: 1) Earning so damn much!!! 2) Taking all the Gem Tanks to the US
  5. Ic... you need to update your signature then... coz I was like when I can't find your skimmer Yupe... not much of a difference really... except you really learn the the truth about reefing (everything from chemistry to physics) while many of us rely on equipments, R&D that we paid for and keeping our hands clean As for feeding of Phyto... what other alternative food source have you chosen or simply rely on photosynthesis? I read that the dosing of Phytoplankton has very little help in the biotope... if not doing more harm in polluting it And why did u stop dosing Strontium? Is it not one of the essentials for coral growth? Or is it fertilizing your diatom too much?
  6. Yes... and I was told they eat a lot... shit a lot... and grow so fast... a school of them can be very scary if they stay alive for considerately long a time
  7. Oh really? But still out of reach for most of us Some US reefer posted in RC recently, he bought 12 GT
  8. Meet my AMAZING FISHES!!! I'm so gonna get flamed for this
  9. Bro what I am trying to recreate is a Gem Tang... not a Black Tang... in terms of value, it is 10 times more expensive than a Black Tang
  10. Haha... actually it is very horrible... failure
  11. Haha... that's a good idea but you so old fashion... using white marker? Emm... let me try photoshop Give me 10 minutes
  12. From the look of it... ain't cheap... but it's the learning I guess
  13. Bro, I notice you are not using a protein skimmer (not listed on your signature)... could that be the reason you are having difficulty maintaining certain parameters at undetectable levels? It's actually quite amazing... do you have Nitrate problem also? What's the reason for not running one? Sorry I got a lot of questions as I find your setup different (from the rest)... yet as beautiful as it gets
  14. Very impressive!!! Yeah agree with you it will not be as easy as constructing a box and put in a pump... definitely a lot fine tuning involved... nice if you can help us out This will be my FIRST DIY project... a pretty ambitious one (for my standard)
  15. Actually quite true, that's why they manage to bring the Eheim 1260 (65W) down to 49W and extremely proud of it. The Eheim 1262 is rated at 80W, there's no information yet as the actual power consumption minus the pressure/resistant from the Threadwheel. Let's say if they manage to do the same savings on the 1260, could it possibly be: Eheim 1262 Original: 80W Bubble Master version: 55W Now that's really acceptable to me
  16. So nice... your mum will help you change tank water... now that's what I can a model mum
  17. Bro I may need your help in some DIY job... I am planning to replicate the Deltec MCE600 Hang-on Skimmer with a fellow reefer (producing 2 pieces for own use). I have a running MCE600 which is due to be handed over to another reefer end of next month. Thinking of increasing the efficiency of the skimmer by introducing a Threadwheel instead. As the current MCE600 is using a Aquabee 2000 pump (consuming 19W, producing 300 ltrs of air). I got a feeling the Threadwheel technology can either allow us to use a smaller pump or product more air with the same Aquabee 2000. Also to tackle some of the issues the current MCE600 is facing... If you are keen, we shall start work mid September And if you want... we can product 3 pieces (limited edition)
  18. I think your discovery is wonderful!!! This is what I call product development Yes a smaller pump (lower wattage) will work well for the sump, the reefer and the environment The latest ATI Bubble Master 250 already consumed too much power in my opinion. They started with: Eheim 1260 consuming 49W producing 2000 ltrs of air per hour Right now: Eheim 1262 consuming 80W producing 3000 ltrs of air per hour (sorta verified by AcidJazz's BM as his air flow meters shows a constant max at 2500 ltrs, I will try to get hold of a digital air flow meter). Personally, I would love ATI to retain its original 49W BM. Probably can downgrade its ratings/capacity (as an option... call it Bubble Master 200 maybe) but it means so much savings in the long run. Here's a quick calculation: Previously: $7.50/month Currently: $12.00/month Difference per annum: $54.00 Difference in 3 years: $162.00 Lesser heat emission (lessening of chiller's load): Priceless Please continue to develop the wheel... more economically viable and environmental friendly please... a Putlizer Prize in the waiting
  19. Oh so yours is a mixture... I'm thinking of going Ocean Nature Hawaiian and Australian Shells only... just 4 packets... very thin layer Did you wash you sand with tap water? Or DI water?
  20. Generally very promising looking... (for that price) So frustrating I have to see your amazing pictures while my Bubble Master sitting quiety on the shelf Bro if you continue to promote Needlewheel or Threadwheel like that... Beckett will go out of trend You notice there are so many Becketts on sale at Pasar Malam these 2 days? I think more than 5
  21. Lovely... now I can't wait for mine to fire-up But doubt my BM250 can achieve so much as I intend to stock lightly in fishes... getting ready for SPS.
  22. Like a BLOODY C CUP?!? Seriously, u guys seen a Red Cup Coral before? Emm... time for some coral hunting already
  23. Ok will get a C CUP... matching colour or different colour?
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