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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. GSP bed was also one of my ideas initially but there will be considerable amount of dirt trapped beneath it and it can be bad
  2. So do take good care of the body... since they are not using thick plexiglass to start with... oh how silent is this skimmer actually... can describe using words? The Germans claimed no sound at all" but I expect a bit of sound from the pump and the air intake (air flow meter chamber).
  3. I suggest you build a 4.5' (end to end with a tiny bit of gap) with 2.5' depth. So you have about 6" protrusion off the wall... making it looking more 3D. That extra 6" can come very handy for more flexible scaping and a larger sump beneath the tank. Height wise... really depends on how high you are as a person, personally, I prefer to be able to touch the sand bed. Not being able to touch the bottom makes maintenance and coral placement very hard... not mentioning cleaning too. So 2.5' is the max I'll suggest you go for height. Now some nice cabinets here and there... the hood can look extremely neat going all the way up to the ceiling... concealing all the lightings you want while allowing enough room on top for hot air to rise (if you are to use MH for your setup). Lovely Forget work space... this will become your full time job
  4. I do hope so... but at this early stage... I doubt any LFS or distributor will start stocking spare parts... they have not even gotten the units out
  5. Bro... I would love to own one... really... I'm crossing my fingers now... even a mini-BK will do I am so obsessed nowadays with energy efficiency... I am aiming to run the most efficient reef tank in Singapore (with full equipments lah... not Mr. Lees method) Nah... that Xenia colony doesn't affect the Zoos much... they co-exist well... somehow
  6. Installing back the AquaMedic Turboflotor Percula into the system... coz I will be handing over the Deltec MCE600 to a reefer end of next month... same here... no foam at all You guys think if I am to connect a Bubble King now... will it skim? (Skim what the Turboflotor or MCE600 can't)
  7. Is my water too clean?!? No more cotton candy foam... has not changed tank water for 3 weeks... been running the second skimmer for 3 days now (see next post)
  8. The Xenia-looking Hitchiker that comes with the Zoas colony... scary
  9. Yeah you must let us all know... now where do we get service and spare parts?!?
  10. Hehe... coz I can sense it coming... I've been in this forum for half a year now and I sorta learned how things go around here I will PM you
  11. Nah your tank how to be "too clean" with so many fishies What do you feed your fishes btw? Time for some Henry's mix... the whole tub of it How's the foam coming along? Does it look like this? Credit: Pix taken from AquaMarin (4 days of running the Bubble Master)
  12. Hehe... you must have thought I'm one of those guys with extra long lenses + extra heavy cameras... Actually I'm just using a point-n-shoot Sony digital camera. Handy and super large LCD. I must admit... I rely very much on photo import/edit software iPhoto on my Mac. That's how I manage to pump up the sharpness and contrast of the photos. The next thing I wanna invest in is a compact Olympus digital camera. Fully waterproof... I wanna put the entire camera into the tank and take close up shots (eliminating the glass). Cool huh? Imagine those SPS shots in close up
  13. Oh dear... now you put my HEAD on the table already... now how am I gonna get out of this if the product doesn't perform as good as a Deltec AP851? Bro I just shared with you what I believe... I really hope that my belief will help many reefers save their hard earned money and spend it on some other crucial equipments... seriously, for that price range/performance/prestige/power consumption... nothing beats Bubble Master
  14. Haha... bro don't thank me so early hor... you have not run it for a week yet... anymore GUNK to share with me? I doubt the BM 250 can handle a 10 footer... you probably need a BK500 The BM 250 will be a bit overkill for my humble little 4 footer... that's the plan actually
  15. think you lighting plan is good... it hurts running 2 x 250W for 8 hours At least you have 1 hour of intense lighting (noon) I will do the same too if I have 2 MH to play with
  16. I don't think your hang-on skimmer should be called the MCE Clone... it's way better than that... I can see some improvements on current issues that I am facing with the Deltec MCE600:) Good work bro! Love the larger collection cup and the external pump... it's so hard (if not impossible) to service the pump right now
  17. My Nemo stealing food from my "C" CUP Notice the unique pattern on its body?
  18. My thread is as good as Talkingcock.com (I wish ) So don't be afraid... there's no real objective for the thread anymore btw... there's only that much I can show of my old LS (Refer below btw... my elusive Black Cap) BE Anthias are one of the easiest to feed and one which doesn't require constant feeding (at least not as much as other Anthias i.e. Purple Queen). My 2 specimens feed on everything (except seaweed and local po choy) They love pellets (all brands). Actually, no special formula lah... just that I bought 2 feeding specimens from AM the last time. These were the 2 remainings in their tank coz their scales were slightly damaged... so AM been keeping them alive in their tank for a few weeks before I bought them. AM fed the BE's before I bought. Guess I was lucky or not bring choosey. They are costly... a FEW of them means 3-digit investments... but they are definitely worth it
  19. I understand how difficult it is... even working people like me sometimes question myself on sustainability... that's why I tend to be more careful nowadays with consumables. Too bad my mum and dad are not here to enjoy my fish tank They are abroad But I do show them photographs though
  20. What ever you said has touched me deeply... I will quote you by paragraph It's so true... after all the money, time and effort put in (luckily I am still holding on well with my relationship) I sit back... look at the tank... and THIS IS IT THIS IS IT THIS IS IT I dunno know... on the brighter side... at least we still have something physical to look at (and also for our family members and friends to enjoy as well)... But hey... THIS IS IT
  21. Oh yeah... wait till your BT grows to 3" and damn obese that kind (like mine)... it's scary It shows how we reefers can successfully keep (certain species) graowing in captivity... but imagine a school of BTs That's why I don't dare to transfer my BT to the new tank
  22. Oh dear... that's what I call "neglect" lor... not only to students... I think married couple can also turn out badly... that's why I am struggling between so many things in life... but what to do... the PASSION is just too strong. Well... although I don't expect the passion to be strong forever... but it does bring a lot of happiness for these couple of months especially knowing a bunch of reefers... YES YOU, YOU and YOU (all with their sad little stories unfortunately) Probably I need a KID!!! Yes... those cute little monsters
  23. Bro MadMac I am quite aware of our claims... being a little too bold and against the mainstream... those were more like conversation between 2 reefers. That is what we believe in and ATI Bubble Master 250's selling point (also BK's selling point). In seeing a potential of a "disagreement confict"... I've decided not to post the internet links here but to PM you (those bros interested can also PM me for a "forward" copy of the PM). Knowing the trend... this will dilute bro Acidjazz's product review resulting in MOD stepping in.
  24. I've read it in some US sites... ok let me spend some time tonight and retrieve those sites for you
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