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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. From your drawings, the contrast is definitely there. I just have 1 concern... if you wall depression is only 18", then you will end up with a very narrow sump, not very useful in the long run... remember... the APF600 is barely sufficient to support you development in the hobby. 1) Exhaust fan is an extra, may not need it. If you locate your chiller on top, there's no need to exhaust fan. It will only increase evaporation rate. Of course, it depends on the size of your refugium and the lighting for it. I will say some nice louvres (or holes) will allow natural ventilation especially if your hall is air-conditioned. There will be exchange of air. 2) Quite a nice idea... but you need the holes to be consistently applied in a row to achieve that effect. 3) There's so much to play with when it comes to finishing... have fun I'm not into ID, just branding.
  2. There are many tank makers and some of them can be found under the SRC sponsors section. I will be receiving my dream tank (3rd tank) tonight. Will post under members section. You can take a look from there. If you are keen, come down to my place and take a look at that tank. No harm to look look see see first. What they promise you is one thing... seeing it built for a reefer is another Let me know if you want to drop by Mohamed Sultan Road.
  3. I think structurally it can be done, you see there's a brown slab beneath the glass tank? Actually can also try without the wooden slab beneath it, purely using glass, but that will increase the thickness of your glass (say 18mm). From experience dealing with contractors, usually their first reaction is "not recommended" as they are lazy to crack their head and not willing to take risk. Talk to a few of them, find a contractor that has the same vision as you... or else you will end up having a standard looking tank just like any of us
  4. Those purple/reddish looking algae is know as Coralline Algae and it is highly desirable. You have 2 problems at hand that need to be tackled one at a time. Firstly, the brown thingy: I suspect those are brown algae (or whatever you call it) and they are real bad! What lighting were you using previously? Is there a major change in intensity? What is the Phosphate level? To be frank with you, there must be something wrong in your system that promotes such growth... brownish algae is also common in new setups. Find out the reason why. Secondly, the Purple Coralline Algae: In order to maintain coralline algae, the condition of your tank must be right. KH, Calcium, Magnesium and Strontium (just to name a few). It can be a daunting task maintaining all these at tip top level just to grow some purple algae! There are 2 products I recommend you try. Caribsea AragaMilk and PurpleUp. You can find both at Reefdepot. You can read more at product review done by bro Altantis. I'm using both with very positive results. Actinic light also help in promoting growth (believe it or not). If you are using tap water... perhaps that's the source of the problem. JeĀ®vis
  5. Haha... so fuuny... you forgot what you wanna ask? Here's what I can say... that Osram PL is not suitable for corals esp. tank with 2ft height. Refugium inside the sump, maybe. If you want to look for cheaper alternative to MH, you can consider T5 or LED. Those 2 are more developed for marine reefkeeping purpose. Do bear in mind, 8 tubes of T5 also consumes quite a lot of energy. Just that with lesser heat, you can lessen the burden of the chiller. If you compare MH, T5 and LED. They almost consume the same amount of energy in the end (if you want to keep SPS and keep them real happy). Saving comes in as T5 and LED transmit less heat to the tank water.
  6. Multiple cleaning process... my Blue Linckia cleaning the LR, the Cleaner Shrimp cleaning my Blue Linckia
  7. Yupe the driver and the "computer" is the hard part... I hope you don't spend too much on your 10W LEDs as they can blow easily if not configured properly All the best to you bro
  8. Emm... will let you know if there's any vacancy Actually not bad an idea... at least I can get help in water change and feeding when I'm real busy I heard from my partner there might be a HUGE project coming in from Europe... if it's on, next 2 months the office will be a disaster zone
  9. Haha... I am getting my tank delivered this evening. By AquaMarin. You can follow my tank thread (under member's section). I will have lots of detailed picture. If you like what you see, then approach them. You can also come over to my office to look at it yourself
  10. That's the beautiful thing about the design... but of course, that will only make the sump 6" narrower My original design also something like that... but due to practicality sake... abandoned all design elements
  11. SOHO concept... we are a boutique design house
  12. Wah got overhang some more... nice!!!
  13. Bro... your plan doesn't look workable... you will either have a very high tank or a very low sump cabinet. Don't think water top up requires that much space... my new sump cabinet is 3ft high, barely sufficient as I have no idea what kinda toy I might introduce later... your low sump compartment will restrict you too much. Since you have space on top, perhaps you want to consider moving your chiller on top of the tank (now that will involve some solid plumbing). You can have the refugium part of or next to the sump tank. Hot air rises... so the hot air from the chiller will be not affect you too much
  14. Correction... Work, Pleasure and SRC at 1 go
  15. Hehe... actually it can be very distracting... I will force myself to stay focus at work... it can be hard though Must thank my partners and colleagues for showing much enthusiasm on this project... and of course water is good for business... brings great fortune
  16. Haha... not really... there's nothing for me to prepare Guys, this thread is now CLOSED. Kindly continue your support at the following thread: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...t=0#entry588656 for all your supports
  17. Welcome!!! WHO SAYS HOBBY AND WORK DO NOT MIX? The wait is finally over... if everything goes according to plan... I will start my step-by-step pictorial journey tomorrow onwards Here's a brief tank specifications: Aquarium type: Tropical coral reef aquarium with invertebrates and fish Size: 4' x 2' x 2' (109.71 U.S. gallons / 426.79 liters) excluding Sump and External Refugium (Phase II) Location: Mohamed Sultan Road, Central Singapore Here's the exact location of the tank, in my humble office (behind my work desk).
  18. The same old Spottie... near the same old Red Rubies... behind the same old Frogspawn
  19. Come on guys... let's give the bro a chance to slowly reveal his toys...
  20. LONDON!!! Don't change the timing... I will keep it as London time forever Will put it at my office
  21. Err... it is black lah... but will not look like a Black Tang coz the shape is different. Not a lot of people keep Chevron until to adult form IMO, more often seen as juvenile. So both of us must keep our Chevy happy hor
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