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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Oh tell me all about it... That's one of the reason I'm moving the tank to the office
  2. Tap from the pantry a few feet away (actually converted from a bathroom). There's a shower head where I can use. The tank maker is helping me find a suitable unit, most probably 3-stages DI. From the pantry to the tank (the most 8 ft) will use small rubber hose (for DI unit).
  3. Yes... I will support you all the way...
  4. Nah... actually I think they are quite hardy... get a Red Linckia... that will further "colour" your tank... oh those Chromis are so so lovely
  5. Bro Waner... actually my setup is considered "tame"... I think the real high-tech reefers are those that can build (DIY) their own skimmers, lighting and all those cool modifications... my gadgets still come with instruction manuals (although most of them were usually very badly translated )
  6. You are way to generous with kind words bro Tim07. Yeah Singapore is actually quite lucky to have all these cool gadgets... probably the ReefCentral influence Me alone can't help you much (as I am still learning new things everyday)... why don't you start a tank thread? Post pix and let all the reefers here help you build a better tank Hehe... actually design (creativity) only helps very little in reefing... it's biology, chemistry, engineering and environmental studies that will make all the difference
  7. Very cute angel indeed... quite uncommon I suppose
  8. Haha... ic... but the pix doesn't look like a Brown Tang leh...
  9. Why leh? Is it a very "cheap" fish? It looks very nice to me leh... bluish white
  10. I will pass you 4 sets the next time you visit my tank (after I replaced with new hinges lah) Or if you are interested in the Stainless Steel ones, PM me.
  11. Yupe... very notorious Angel Try to return to LFS as Waner suggested... if the LFS doesn't allow, dun buy from them next time
  12. Very the cute lah!!! You think I should add to my new tank?
  13. The Plate swallowing your goby lor Not becoz of ur fetish lar... actually I share the same fetish also... I love things "small" and cute
  14. The same cluster of corals... top view under Blue light
  15. My Fake SPS (Finger Leather) and some Rics... see how badly the algae growth... only on this particular piece of LR, I added this piece last (bought from PR)... guess it is leaching Phosphate and Silicate like crazy
  16. Yes that is a very possible cause... mine shot up to 14dkH when I first used the product
  17. Your Cup Coral, Orange Zoas and Clams do not look too healthy... is it because of the lighting upgrade?
  18. Bro Dominik, since our hinges are the same, after I replaced mine, do you want me to keep for you? How many pairs you need?
  19. Thanks for the pix bro... I am convinced... The close up shows some teeths at the joint, important as larger controllable Stream models may sway sometimes. Bro Lyz77, how easy it is to rotate the pump? Do you have to use a lot of force? Now I'm gonna replace those chunky Tunze magnet holders!!!
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