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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Yeah algae blenny is quite a escapist... once my AB ended up in my sump... bypassing the filter floss
  2. Here's a preliminary FTS of my tank... cycling day 2... a Tunze Wavebox is hidden on the left side towards the back... the black thing on the right side is a temporary filter
  3. Ok I will monitor my PO4 level closely for the coming weeks
  4. Thanks bro... yupe gonna use MH this time round. Here's a closer look at my artificial rock and black live sand... this 1.5ft long bridge is the main feature My current lighting sucks My temporary lighting... came together with my previous 2ft Juwel tank
  5. Thanks for the information bro... that's why I will start to run some PO4 remover while cycling. Perhaps next week. Any idea how much the PO4 spiked in your tank?
  6. Wow! Any pix (video better still ) of them? Do the 4 of them school together? Or separated into 2 pairs?
  7. Seems like more and more reefers are willing to risk a little, off the beaten paths... to achieve more unique setups... please feature your tank for us to enjoy
  8. I am pretty curious too... In my opinion, lighting must be sufficient or else the whole tank will look dark... if the lighting is right, I believe reds and greens will pop-out like nobody's business Will be able to find out very soon as another reefer has jump started a Reef Sea Max using the same Live Sand too. Now where's that reefer been to?
  9. That particular diving spot... is it a barren?
  10. Don't worry so much... Bubbles are pretty hardy
  11. I'll take a full tank shot tomorrow... but it will take a bit of getting use to... too use to whitish substrate
  12. But once settled down... I immediately realized that the thousands of miles of traveling is worth it... this is the first time I choose something so radical for my substrate
  13. Oh my... RBTA... that's it! I will get a big big one
  14. Very nice RBTAs... I will try to search for a nice piece too... amazing!
  15. Since the water parameters are in check... I decided to proceed to the next stage right away Live Sand shipped from the US... traveled thousands of miles... it's not very environmental friendly actually. But decided to go for it as I desperately need Live Sand (to offset my artificial rocks)... but I only dumped in 4 packs, quite minimal but sufficient in my opinion. Will try not to overdo things this time round For more information on: Natures Ocean Bio-Activ Aragonite Black Bench Reef Sand It's a new product Aquamarin brought in actually... I'm one of the firsts I believe.
  16. The water is ready for testing this morning. Sg: 1.025 (the way I like it) - Refractometer kH: 7.5 dkH - Tropic Marin Calcium: 480 ppm - Salifert Magnesium: 1420 - Salifert Perfect
  17. Bro how did you manage to bring up 240ppm worth of Magnesium within a day? Just curious.
  18. Paint job... but the paint they use are non-toxic as experienced by a fellow reefer (his Kole pecked all the fake coralline algae without sign of poisoning). Yeah they look pretty nice.
  19. Example? Err... we'll see :paiseh: I will try my best and surprisingly... I am beginning to enjoy a little bit of DIY
  20. Glad you are back... well... nothing happen actually... after coming back from Japan (possibly influenced by the energy efficient Japanese)... sorta wanna do something that is inline with my plan for the future. Did a review on my setup and decided to improve it further. On the other hand... it's a very unpopular topic as most of us prefer to not think too much about it
  21. Will take some pix tomorrow... more work to be done tomorrow. Bro you planning to convert your existing tank to more energy-efficient? Or downgrade to a smaller tank?
  22. A glimpse of my rockscape... seconds after dumping in 2 bags of Marine Environment Salt (6.8kg) Please note that under normal circumstances (if you are using live rock), you will have to mix the water first, then only you add in the live rocks... or else you will kill almost every living organisms within the rocks.
  23. After 6 hours of filling up... it's time to dump in some salt Seen here... my trusted salt mix (has been using it since day 1) plus my trusted refractometer. Let's ROCK N ROLL :upsidedown:
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