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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Thanks for the assurance bro Sapp... will definitely give it a try... emm... looking at my budget right now... ok still able to add 3 packets into my sump compartment Good news, I will be getting 2 new credit cards in 2 weeks time
  2. Emm... slowly you are revealing you secret weapon... come on... sharing lah!!!
  3. Of course I will share with you... just drop by my office once the sump is up and running lor... but you must also calculate how may bags of Live Sand you require to fill up your chamber as they can get quite costly But hey... this is the crucial part of the filtration system that will make the difference... so no point trying to save some $$$ here
  4. Wow... the translucent body of the Shovel Nose is very cool!!! Can see its internal organs
  5. Yes, they've been spotted carrying their eggs for weeks now... in fact they've been very productive in my tank... until no time to clean my fishies
  6. Yupe AM carries it with 2 different grain sizes... it's actually very good for existing tanks... say if you want to add another 0.5" of sand bed to your 2-year old tank... this product will allow you to do that without impacting the entire system (compared to using normal Grade 0/1/2 sand)... it's damn cool... the bag is partly filled with sea water also Another cool thing about this product is... no washing/rinsing required... prefect for lazy people like me coz washing sands are such a boring and tedious job
  7. Sounds workable... you let me experiment first lah... I will be getting my sump (and piping fixed) this Friday. Will start to fill water this Saturday. Will start on the Plenum or DSB beginning of next week
  8. Oh yeah... I will make you very very happy Now where's my submarine? Just finalized the design of the sump, I will have a decently large space within the main sump to be used for either Plenum or DSB. Will discuss with Steve further on this. I want to try the Nature's Ocean Live Sand this time Don't think it will take too many packs... the most 2 packets The Live Sand will also be very beneficial to the initial stage of the Nitogen Cycle... What you guys think?
  9. If the water condition is right... the entire back will be covered with coralline algae
  10. Haha... bro if this is a 3 stage filtration for the tank... it will be a GREAT PRODUCT!!! Emm... actually why not ah? Then no need to ever change water
  11. You wanna try plenum or DSB? I am incorporating either one into a section within my sump also. Will use Nature's Ocean Live Sand (6" to 8")... but Steve recommend me Plenum instead of just DSB. That I believe will help stabilize a lot of parameters and a great way to remove NO3.
  12. Pump?!? Bro the pressure from the tap is the "pump"
  13. I got a feeling she's laying off her eggs onto the glass panel... firstly, this is the first time I see my Cleaner Shrimps stick on the glass... secondly there are a lot of fishes hanging around that area pecking on the glass (near the shrimp). Looking at the pix... I guess I was too late... all "roe" gone Don't think it is molting (shedding of shell) as they don't do it in the open like this
  14. Get the larger model... this model is only good for 12mm glass, your's thicker right? Hey... guess what is my Cleaner Shrimp doing?
  15. Yes they are one of the largest in the world (based in U.S)... bro Lyz77 helped me bring it in actually... I "tumpang" his other acquisitions
  16. I do not... from what I heard... there isn't a reliable brand out there that can offer reliable/consistent readings... and they are very expensive
  17. Yes LED start up cost will be higher than MH... but each LED can lasts 50000 hours and emits very little heat. So in the long run... it's obviously the preferred lighting for the future You can read more about LED lightings at www.solarisled.com Oh this LED setup is gonna make everybody so so excited!!! Way to go bro!!!
  18. Check at Marinedepot.com and it ain't cheap... more expensive than Tunze But again even if you can't afford it now... YOU WILL once you finish schooling and join the work force
  19. You guys may want to consider this... TAP WATER IS BAD FOR YOUR TANK... I LEARNED THE HARD WAY
  20. Very impressive... you've done your homework very well bro
  21. Got new toy must try first lah... how to wait till the new tank is ready (and filled with algae ) The grip is much stronger than my Tunze for sure. Here's a patch of stubborn algae I can't remove using my Tunze Magnet Cleaner... As expected the Hamerhead removes it completely... but must brush many times repeatedly as those algae was there for almost a month now Lovely Finally the Americans can do better than the Germans
  22. I purposely mention so that I can expect more gifts from fellow reefers mah... bro Colinsoon will get me a remote-controlled submarine
  23. Bro... that's a very precise answer Is the Crystal+Pro running already? Do you know that you can drink the water?
  24. Let's see how the inside looks like... who wants to buy 4D ah? Got nice numbers leh
  25. New arrival from MarineDepot Bought this for my new tank
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