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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. $860 for the APF600 is the recommended retail price only Emm... $600 is a pretty reasonable price for a skimmer running an Aquabee Oh it's ok, if this skimmer is running on the Aquabee skimmer pump, I more or less know how the impeller looks like. From what I heard, some LFS already started selling the Aquabee NW pumps... no need from Europe
  2. Wow... what's that Green fish? It's not a Parrot fish, is it? You upgraded your lighting also?
  3. I can't really help much leh... every tank is different and you have a lot of small pieces which make the scaping much harder. For me, definitely use Epoxy to stick them together (not necessarily everywhere but at least those weak joining areas). Leave a lot of holes and caves for fishes and inverts to hide/sleep in. Mountain style is good so that you can have the corals staggering up without blocking each other from the lightsource. Just remember to leave enough room for water circulation... even within the LR if possible. Dead zones are very very bad for the biotope... imagine dead fish trapped behind the LR with insufficient water movement... it can be the source of a disaster for your tank size. If you are happy with your current scaping, then don't do anything radical. Just use some epoxy and stick those loose pieces together to avoid them falling down, injuring corals beneath. Pratas are very prone to falling objects from above I don't epoxy my corals as it will limit the flexibility of the placement of the corals... you'll never know when you need to move things around
  4. So this skimmer is only selling at $400? Emm... looks pretty good for that kinda price especially with the Aquabee pump. Can show us how the impeller looks like?
  5. Those 2 are the overflow boxes... can't wait to see the sump design
  6. I will... thanks bro! Now what is "good stuff" without something mysterious
  7. I know... what to do... New owner will collect MCE600 from my office this Friday... so will have to rely solely on my Turboflotor now
  8. When I recovered from the damages and when my new tank is ready... probably need your help
  9. Makes more sense having the chiller next to the windows... and lots of space on top as hot air rises LOVE THE DART!!! Yeah... you need something that kinda calibre
  10. This Friday (or Saturday) is going to be a BIG day... with the following activities: 1) Sump tank delivery 2) All piping works incl. chiller and Flushing System 3) New chiller Arctica 1/4hp delivery 4) Nature's Ocean Live Substrate x 1 delivery 5) Nature's Ocean Live Sand x 2 delivery 6) CrystalPro DI Unit delivery + installation If everything goes according to plan... will start filling up water next Monday onwards Got a feeling it will take at least 4 to 5 hours to fill up the tank. Then the leak test for at least 2 days... then Marine Environment Salt mix (bought 1 box) Gonna be so busy next week
  11. Emm... the heat from the chiller is getting too near your refugium which will feed back into your main tank...
  12. Yeah the price is really shiok!!! This new arrangement will enable me to slowly transfer the corals over to the new tank instead of a 1-day logistic nightmare The buyer for my old chiller agreed the handover date to be end September. So that will allow me ample time to run the new tank with the new chiller for 2 to 3 weeks. I think this is the best way to ensure my coral's health as I am really concern if they will perish due to mishandling
  13. I am not a strong supporter of Deltec but I personally think you should focus more on the product instead of comparing it directly to a Deltec APF600. Would appreciate if you could at least show us some pictures also
  14. I've finalize the sump with Steve just now, will have a 10" by 18" (footprint) area within the sump allocated for DSB using Nature's Ocean Live Sand with plenum at the bottom. Have not determine the height yet... but definitely around 6" to 8" deep I am also considering upgrading the chiller as my Arctica 1/5 Hp is underpower for my new setup (especially once I introduce Phase II). Will try to get back Arctica 1/4 Hp is possible... as the tank gets cooler... I am getting dryer
  15. I've tried Tunze Epoxy before and it is not bad actually. I think all brands are the same in the end. You just have to mix the 2 part well (like playing play-doh) and apply to your LR. You can press them for a while, after which it will hardens. I strongly recommend the use of some form of adhesive to hold your rocks together... especially if you know you will not change your scaping much for months to come
  16. Hey don't say like that leh... I'm in the process of throwing now
  17. Expected lah... they've been replacing it many many times for the past 10 to 15 years... probably some environmental group protested and they have to stop replacing the Black Tips this time
  18. I don't think the light is the culprit for your TBT's death... Drip acclimatization is a must for most fishes, all inverts and most corals... I don't drip, I use a syringe to pump water into the small plastic container... at the same time creating some air bubbles. IMO Quarantine inside a betta box is not the proper way of Quarantine (in fact it shouldn't be called that). Supposedly a Q tank is a separate tank that will run on separate system so that water does not mix with the main tank. Now whether or not the betta box will help in this situation... IMO NOPE. It will only: 1) Add stress to your TBT... imagine trapped within a small plastic box within a glass tank!?! As BT usually doesn't have any eating/feeding problem and your tank doesn't have any aggressive fish... putting your TBT in a betta box will not bring any benefit at all! 2) Add stress to your othe fishes and corals as the betta box is something alien to them and it does affect the current flow within the tank (so it will affect corals). In my opinion, you can take the following steps (applied only to your TBT): 1) Be extremely careful when choosing specimens... TBT are extremely hard to keep alive compared to larger specimens. 2) Off your main lights before introducing new specimens... remain off for the rest of the day. 3) Do proper acclimatization 4) Or simply go for SBT (Small Blue Tang) All the best bro!
  19. Haha bro... I don't like aggressive fishes and I don't like Triggers If I am to keep Black Tip... I will keep a couple (in a very large tank of course) and no other fishes... as they can be very distracting
  20. Good news bro... if you are so determined to get this ATI BM... you can file it to 23cm!!! From the pix, you can at least file off 5mm on each side. However that can be a lot of work lah... I will be dropping by AM today, do you want me to check with them if they can provide you that extra "customize" service?
  21. Nice... didn't know PT has so much details on its body As for you Maroon Clown... beware of the female's aggression... it can cause real destruction to the tank if it gets really crazy... my "Big Mama" destroyed almost half my reef by throwing off all my corals and LR off the cliff... in the event, several corals were damaged You may want to reconsider whether to introduce the pair into your new tank...
  22. Hey... I saw some small little fry (very small in transparent white) near the corner of my tank this morning!!! What am I gonna do now?!?
  23. Thanks guys for the support and motivation... those 2 are Platinum Card leh Surely die this time
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