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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. I will try to post more pix... but currently nothing much happening Ok here's my plan for the sump and PHASE II. PHASE II will probably happen in November... I will build another 5ft cabinet to house more stuff
  2. Come on guys... chill... dun wan this product review to be "edited" I have barely started
  3. Yeah... gonna smell quite bad... bro Speakerphone, I think bro AJ is just sharing his experiences with us and I am helping him to overcome some minor problems he faces along the way... this is a new product, for sure there will be a lot of questions remained unanswered until more reefers start to get their hands on a piece of the Bubble Master. Now everybody... take a deep breath
  4. Nope the air con will not be on 24 hours a day... anyway evaporation may or MAY NOT be a bad thing. Depending if you are prepared for it or not. For me, with Aquatronica in place and a reliable DI unit, evaporation can be seen as something positive... actually Not to mention making the air within the office less dry... now that's good for the ladies
  5. Wasteful? For them... it's 10000% gain leh... 1 life in exchange of hundreds That's why I disapprove with their technique... if they want to be fair... 1 to 1 lah Oh... this is a very major event... billions of dollars will get involved in this events... not considering all the PRESS are here. Remember the London Bombing... they did it just to get the world's attention and that's when you have PRESS/REPORTERS from all over the world gather in one place. For them, it's all about publicity... no point bombing some remote third world countries for example where there is not a single reporter there I am confident the government will do everything it can... but sealing off the Marina area may not be the ONLY way as they can simply target other parts of the country yet get the same publicity
  6. Hi bros djarth and BigBen Yes, I have full access to water in the attic (actually it's not really an attic, it is based on a split-level loft concept). I have a fully functional pantry 5 feet away from the tank. Changing water will not be too much of a hassle (I hope ) Well... I try to do lesser water change anyway... once the tank is stabilized... that's why I focus on getting the setup right at the very beginning... from the sand bed to the refugium, LS to LR, protein skimmer to Aquatronica... all is being planned to prepare the tank to be as self-sustainable as possible. Of course water change is still the cheapest way to maintain a reef tank... but not the easiest way Don't see evaporation and heat as a problem at all
  7. Yes... food will affect protein skimmers... well at least it affects the following skimmers that I have had experience on: 1) AquaMedic Turboflotor w/ PH2500 2) Deltec MCE600 3) Tunze 9005 That's why I try not to feed Henry's mix too often as it affects my protein skimmers the most As for Cyclopeeze, there are reports from fellow reefers of the same experience too... (I suspect Cyclopeeze contains oil)... it's not proven or whatsoever just my point of view.
  8. I tried filling up my collection cup with water (it holds 3.5 Litres btw... so it can be super heavy). I tested the following methods of removing the cup: 1) Using one hand - not possible 2) Using both hands - possible but takes a bit of strength especially if you have very limited space within the cabinet 3) Using both hands, twist the collection cup 90ยบ then lift - fairly easy actually considering the 3.5 Litres of water is so damn heavy Perhaps you want to try the "twist and lift" trick... if I can lift it... so can you
  9. Ok... here's a pix showing my secret weapon Bought it from the Staff Shop at 3M Woodlands Centre yesterday... attended their Designers' Club Lab Walk yesterday... in return get to shop at their Staff Shop... 30% to 40% cheaper than retail outlets Bought all sorts of stuff lor... Scotch Pad lah... Post-it Pads lah... Toilet Bowl Cleaner lah... like an aunty Got sms from AM, my LR arrived... extremely beautiful large pieces (they specially ordered for me)... now curing in their tanks... will drop by later to take some photos Expect the curing to take 2 weeks
  10. You mean something that looks like Arctica commercial unit with the air-con compressor installed outside the building? Already checked the rental agreement, the building doesn't allow installation of compressors as the air-cons come with the office unit. As for the placement of my new chiller... no worries, I've already figure that part out
  11. Not like suction caps... those rubber studs will primarily reduce vibration (noise) and as a secondary function hold the BM in place. I think it's a very nice feature to have Maybe the only slight disadvantage of having these studs is trapped detritus within the tiny gap created by the rubber studs... but shouldn't pose much problem if maintained properly
  12. Haha... there are 2 types of holes leh... 1) Those on the White base plate... as described by bro Acidjazz... for the insertion of rubber studs to further minimize vibration. 2) Those inside the chamber (similar to BK)... those are for bubbles to be pushed through... supposedly in a more organized manne to reduce turbulance (if I am not wrong). Will post a very clear pix to show the organized bubbles... I think bro AJ posted a close up shot before
  13. Well... I still have Phase II in the design stage and it will add more load to the 1/4hp. I may also add MH to the lighting mix... once I am ready for SPS (maybe)
  14. Welcome to the "nice picture club" bro That's my secret weapon too I use iPhoto
  15. Hehe... water brings good fortune... you know what will be a crazy idea? 1) Fishes must be red and rounded... and in even numbers... add 8 Red Tomato Clowns Flame Angel not good... although it's red coz the name evokes "Fire" 2) Fishes must be extremely healthy to represent DYNAMISM, must grow fast to project GROWTH, must school to represent a UNITED company... 28 Green Chromis How about that? Master Jervis... the Aqua Feng-shui Master
  16. Ic... your pictures look so much brighter than before From all your pix... it gives a sense that your fishes are extremely huge... especially the Green Clown Goby... in other words... your Macro shots rock!!!
  17. Those London subway bombers are suicide bombers... they don't care if they will ever get caught or not... what preparations can you do against people who is not afraid to die? Nothing That's why this fight is getting so so difficult even for the planet's strongest nation/s. From the London incident, we can already tell... their target is not the world leaders or delegates, their target is the host nation. That alone will disrupt the entire event... now how to discuss about world economy when the host nation is in chaos? That's their plan and it sounds logical Now is it legal for us to discuss these so openly? I know it's ok in UK and US.
  18. I've always been a very efficient worker... been trying to mimic the German way of working for years now Anyway I don't work... I give instructions... so that allows me some free time as I can't be giving instructions 100% of my working time ... or else all my colleagues will go crazy
  19. Too bad I've already bought the ATI Bubble Master... or else can also consider this skimmer... to support local market a bit lah It's actually quite sad to hear businesses "focusing on overseas as the local market is not profitable enough"... it is happening all around us... luckily we have brands like Tiger Beer, their philosophy is... although the local market is small, they will continue to spend millions on advertising campaign to strengthen their position as they want to be seen as a proud Singapore brand. So how well can a brand do elsewhere if it doesn't get enough footing in its own country? (Like no one actually seen it before?) Unless they register a company in Texas and brand it as an American brand Any reefers using a X-Reef Skimmer? Maybe can post some skimmate here (as I love them ) I know all these branding issues are way but that is what my clients paid my company to help them look into
  20. It is quite a tricky comparison... as for most of us, most products come as a package. You don't just buy a car that saves energy, you will look into the comfort, handling, safety, track record, after sales service, warranty & etc. (if you want to put the reputation, brand loyalty and advertising aside). Again, if PERFORMANCE is your only theme, the only way to do it is not by WORDS but by putting the 2 skimmers next to each other.
  21. Hehe... I'm one of the few that can have access to SRC during office hours Can you get the manufacturer to do a proper product review on this product? Or at least show it in water lah
  22. How about putting both of them within a system? Sorta like FACE-OFF!!!
  23. Is this question targetted to me? Well... I can't really answer you as I do not have the relevant real-life experience with a Deltec APF600. But personally, I still believe that the design of the chamber makes the difference too. So Brand X and Brand Y using the same pump but different body will perform differently. From what I can see here is... APF600 is tested, this Mini X-Reef has yet to be. Perhaps a kind reefer (or the manufacturer) puts it to test... and a product review please Some photographs will also speak a lot Regardless... whether or not the Mini X-Reef performs better than the APF600, with a price range of $500 - $600... it does offer a lot of budget reefers another alternative... which is beneficial to the hobby as a whole
  24. Another reefer is jumping into the Shark trend I think Bamboo Shark comes in very small sizes
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