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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Hehe... it is not really unique lah... but I manage to keep this piece happy (with 2 failed attempts)... I actually bought this piece over from a reefers decom tank I can still remember that day...
  2. You can give them a call actually... I can't remember the exact amount. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=50670
  3. Latest FTV... what you guys think? Ok I know... those Algaes
  4. Don't be like that lah... have not show off new corals for a very long time lah
  5. Hehe... explained to you lah... nice fish you got there
  6. So how's the water circulation in the tank? Is it complete?
  7. Invest in Ozone? It can also help to skim better
  8. If tentacles all white... very hard to say... but if partially white... then possible... so nice Oh my Gonio Garden
  9. What's that thing stuck on the glass (on the right top corner)?
  10. Oh sorry... a bit confused Remember to use Plenum at the base... it's much better (if done properly)
  11. But this scaping will allow more room for corals... for practicality sake... I will vote for this one
  12. Honestly... since you already have so many other tanks (sump lah... refugium lah)... you can allocate a DSB there... DSB in main tank can create problems if not done properly... and also very unsightly if not hidden well.
  13. No bro... I will turn the Percula 90 into a FOWLR tank... I still need to look at my fishies before I sleep lah
  14. After target feeding Roti-Feast using a giant syringe (30 minutes of main light)... this piece of Gonio is showing sign of encouragement... this piece will make it
  15. Thanks bro Hammy... this is just Phase I... wait till I move to the new tank...
  16. Holy COW Look at all those RICS Sorry to hear about the Xenia and the Gonio... what does your Forensic Report says?
  17. Yes bro... depending very very much on colour and size But they are still considered quite cheap compared to Prata and SPS
  18. You can also try feeding them (if they are eating) Dr. Bassleer's pellets with enriched vitamins to boost immune system.
  19. Was @ Kim Sotong yesterday 6pm... saw Thais still busy packing corals into their hand luggage But still got plenty of nice nice LPS left... in fact the display tanks are all FULL!!!
  20. Thanks for the reminder (via MSN) bro... will feed them later Will target feed them using Roti-Feast My Msn: jervis.mun@hotmail.com
  21. Gonios are just as exciting as Zoas when it comes to colour morphs... left to right: 1) Pale Red with White Center 2) Prink with Pink Center 3) Bright Red with Orange Center
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