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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. The chamber allows for around 5" of DSB, will probably use both Live Sand and Live Aragonite (coarser). So the coarser Live Aragonite on surface section will not be stirred up so easily. Will have to discuss with Steve further on this as I will be building another glass tank (Phase II) next to Phase I... currently in design stage... probably will incorporate a large DSB there also.
  2. So you are not gonna start another tank? Well... yeah do drop by my new tank... and bring your own plastic bag... not for fragging... but to contain your drooling
  3. Yeah bro 255... it's been a while... any updatez?
  4. Come on bro... you will NOT quit the hobby... you can never be... you can take a break... then return bigger and better
  5. A close up of one of the LR... not bad huh?
  6. An update on the Live Rock... 1 week already... still curing at AM
  7. Hey bro... long time no see I'm quite happy with the colour too... here's a latest pix of my Gonios... comforting to see all my new Gonios are opening well... currently I have 7 pieces in total. You guys notice the picture is clearer than before? I just changes a bag of Aquapharm PUR-II yesterday... the water is crystal clear this morning Will change PO4 media tomorrow... been 3 months already
  8. Thanks bro RD and Hammy... I am very pleased with the sump Bro Lyz77, the right compartment is actually the DSB chamber. the white base is actually the Plenum (not complete yet). More to the right is the bubble counter The pump you see inside the DSB chamber belongs to the right most compartment... for my 1/3hp Arctica... it's an Aquabee UP3000 I have to confess... I overspent on the sump... the piping/union/valves alone costs more than $750 I think my tank will have a very high "scrap" value
  9. Cool... The sump design was inspired by the ATI Bubble Master
  10. Introducing... my beautiful baby... half completed The sump is based on a 3 1/2' by 1 1/2' footprint Can still push the sump further in... when doing the piping tomorrow
  11. Wah a lot of reefers seen my sump even before me Must give me some credit lah... actually my idea lah... those black tinted glass costs almost double the normal glass Just 2 gentlemen from AM this round... guess the 10mm thick glass sump is not heavy enough Haha... my sump can easily withstand 100kg of Live Rock
  12. The all familiar black & white images... part of the delivery... more more more Can you spot the RD?
  13. For those of you that has not seen the Live Sand... it is very interesting actually... filled with sea water... and what I love most is... no rinsing required Note: Shelf life of 12 month only! So don't buy and store in the bomb shelter
  14. Hehe... apparently I spend more effort in the sump than in the main tank Before I show you guys the entire sump tank... let me introduce a very vital part of my sump... DSB with Plenum. The white area 1' by 1.5' footprint will be filled with Nature's Ocean Live Sand Have not decided on the DSB thickness though
  15. Haha just reached home... well I guess it's time for some real photographic updates Went to AM to check on some stuff... here's my (you know what)... I always find my name inside their shop... paiseh
  16. No I think Mavgi is from the States
  17. You heard the expert... 4 weeks... so you can only buy 1 fish every 4 weeks... actually that should be the way
  18. Oh yeah... I didn't notice that... So damn embarassing
  19. All pages? Impossible to finish it within 90 minutes The last time I was told... a reefer took 2 days
  20. I heard a Q period of 2 weeks is good... regardless if feeding or not...
  21. Hehe... I am busy MSNing nowadays... sorry Both my Blue Linckia hid for 2 days... nowadays only see them 1 at a time... very seldom both... and they only comes out 1 to 2 hours after the main lights are off. Nevertheless... they are one of the cheapest way to add BLUE into the tank
  22. Without a hood, I will suggest you go with all-in-one fixture. I previously used a Solite 2 x 150W MH + 2 x T5. Not bad for the price range. You may want to consider that as an option. Of course there are more "branded" option such as an AquaMedic fixture. You can go to my tank thread to see my old Solite: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...pic=47012&st=45
  23. Hi bro I will only answer those questions I am capable of: But before that. 1 x MH spread across 90cm will not give your tank an evenly distributed illumination. Unless you create a mountain in the center. If you want to use MH, you should consider having 2 instead of 1 MH. Regardless of softies or LPS... you still need to provide even lighting to the tank... also for visual aesthetic of it. 1) Intergrated unit is preferred if you do not have a proper hood to hide all the units. A partial hood can also help conceal the T5 while your MH pendant hangs down from the ceiling. But without a hood, you tank will look messy. 2) Refer to (1) 3) Geissmann is a very good and reliable brand. That's all I can contribute. Hope this helps JeĀ®vis
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