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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Damn... so that's how a bi-colour Ric looks like
  2. Yeah I can also see your reflection... and the lovely skimmate
  3. So we can all see the "younger" version of AT
  4. Oh I didn't know this thread is still alive Bro Reefzzz, I have changed my lightset to a 6 tubes T5 a few months ago... there are lots of reasons for doing so... nevertheless the Solite MH + T5 is still a reasonably priced product that will work well in most circumstances
  5. The damage is not great... it's a fairly reasonably priced product
  6. Hey... you got the T-shirt? emm... how come I didn't get it
  7. Found this pity little Red Prata... very pity leh... almost got run-over by lorry... so I brought it home Of course... my Yellow Tang (aka Police Tang) sniff it for any explosive materials... you know... they don't mix well with fluid nowadays
  8. Ya lor... I also picked up something from the highway on my way home leh... will post later
  9. Still a bit shy lah... but can see that her will of survival is quite strong... of course the protective Black Cap will always chase away the reporters
  10. Just now... on my way home via CTE... OH NO!!! Made the wrong turn... turn in Upper Serangoon Road... OH NO!!! End up I found this piece of Pink Gonio... by the road side... poor baby... let me bring you back to play with your new brothers and sisters
  11. Nope... the slits are actually 2" high... probably will leave 1" gap... better not to touch the bracing
  12. AJ... is TONNY another one of your planktons? Btw... it is you who are selling the Bubble Master... I heard all AM's BM snatched up before the cut-off date... I think they must thank you lah... it is your credit after all Don't be afraid to take credit
  13. Irwana say they bring in nice Rics... if lucky can get tri-colour... wow!!! have not seen a tri-colour Ric before Any confirmation on this? Might drop by after work just to catch a glimpse of the tri-colour
  14. A top view of my overflow comb... rock solid construction... the euro-bracing also acts as a barrier to stop jumpy fishies from exploring my sump Notice the same black tinted 10mm glass here? Note: Left = main tank, Right = overflow box... do not be confused by the reflection of the overflow pipe.
  15. Cleaning time for my T.Gigas... this big mama needs 2 snails to clean 1 side of its shells
  16. Really... must share lah... a clip shot is good enough
  17. Bro... $70.00 a month is still a lot coz it will double within 5 years to $140.00 I am still trying to bring down the costs... trying hard
  18. No question is stupid bro... only simple or difficult questions For your question ah... a difficult question actually I will definitely post a step by step pictorial updates for you If the LR pieces are large enough, I will try to avoid epoxy Will see how... probably will happen end next week if everything goes according to plan
  19. Bro... it seems from your previous post you are challenging me... well... looking at our different position right now... I don't think it's worth for me to take up your challenge. You will pull me down together... Good luck to you bro... I will just stand and see how much longer you can stand (bearing in mind you already been banned by another forum) and how many planktons can you keep on creating Cheers... you are such an entertaining character... truly
  20. Wah... more surprises? Come on... more more more
  21. Hi bro Lyz77 You were right... this product review thread is no longer useful to the hobbyist... and considering that there are in fact visitors from the US (Reefcentral) to check out the product as we are ahead of them (this time)... this thread is quite a disgrace... failed to reflect a graceful image of the true Singaporean reefers. After 1 week of observation, I've decided to start a comprehensive product review on this great product very soon. Reefers, please be assured that I will present to you a neutral, unbiased and impartial review as expected of me. And lot's of great pix too Btw... my new sump has arrived... specially designed for the ATI Bubble Master
  22. Don't mind... after I sell you the mother colony... you can bring back to your tank and "pick" all you want
  23. Haha... you so "look up on me" ah? Maybe I can afford 1% if they willing to sell I can use Citibank Ready Credit to buy share
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