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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Wah... "wind" job by the Queen? Hehe... anything for a taste of royalty
  2. Exactly... I will not add shrimps into my new tank... I hate it when they attack my Pratas and Plate
  3. But I believe my Tunzes will be able to lift them up once they are pushed forward... as in my old tank... if the Tunzes are configured properly at the correct settings they will be able to move a good percentage of the detritus to the overflow box. As for the "Juwel tank idea"... I did explore the idea a bit... but later dropped as they can be very hard to maintain after a while... I remember my old Juwel tank where a lot of rotten plants will get stucked there and I have to siphon them out creating havoc to the planted scape. Have not seen the Jireh tank... if it works... perhaps my next tank
  4. This is EVEN MORE ANNOYING Cleaner Shrimp disturbing my Gonios... but this lucky guy gotten himself a pellet
  5. Hi bro Lone... you got a lot of questions... let me try to answer all 1) The Flushing System is a series of pvc pipe works within the main tank with holes drilled at strategic locations. The structure is then concealed by the rock scaping. Once activated, jets of water will be pushed out thru the drilled holes creating streams in all locations behind the tank. This additional form of water circulation is particularly useful to push wastes and detritus out onto the frontal area to be carried by the wavemakers. The jets of water will also reduce (if not eliminate totally) the chances of having dead zones within the scaping... a common problem faced by reefers. As Flushing System provides chilled water to the main tank, it will also help distribute chilled water evenly to the tank more efficiently. Will try to demonstrate more once I fill the tank with water partially. 2) Rotten dead fishes in display tanks are sometimes unavoidable... smoking inside the shop is unacceptable. So far, I know of 2 LFS smoke inside their air-con shops 3) If you want to see nice fishes and corals in display tanks... there are long list of LFS you MUST visit and unfortunately... Reborn is not one of them. Yes, Irwana is an eye opener... a MUST for reefers
  6. This is more annoying... someone is using my Red Prata as a bean bag
  7. Even the Pratas reacted like "hungry ghosts" to the coral food mix... both my heavyweights expanded so large... my Yellow Tang tried to act cute and squeeze thru
  8. Thanks bro Soul for your info... didn't know Omega 99 costs that much!!! Emm... now I can figure out where's ur mystery island work place and your profession
  9. Coral feeding time... specially prepared for my Gonios Prata feeding is tomorrow
  10. Hi bro scs88, I have no idea where to get it... probably can find in local DIY shop... if you need, I can pass you some also the next time you visit my tank Thanks bro for the compliment... yeah can see the tank maker put in a lot of effort... I'm sure your next tank will be FANTASTIC
  11. Here's something I am particularly proud of... this is the result of my sharing with fellow reefers... a kind reefer saw pictures of my hinges... offered me a small tub of Omega 99 to be applied to the hinges to avoid rust/corrosion... must thank that bro
  12. I know bro RD... I promised to treat them nice dinner after the completion of the tank... can see all their tears and sweat leh Another shot of my sump tank (with more pipings)... left to right: 1) DSB chamber 2) Bubble counter chamber 3) Internal pumps area (Aquabee 3000 to chiller, Aquabee 1000 to dual chamber FR) 4) Return pump with Asahi Ball Valve T-off (red handle) getting ready for CR Still looking very neat and pro as some pipings run high towards the back of the sump to stay out of view I think my black cabinet idea is paying off... as I really like the coolness of it
  13. Wah bro... actually S$9888 is a good offer leh... u wanna consider selling it?
  14. Oh forgot to mention... bro Dominik you are so good at all these... The smaller pipe is for water change outlet Just have to connect a rubber hose open the valve and down the drain it goes
  15. Here you go bro Dominik... my external overflow box What you guys think so far? Coz if got any comments... I can still discuss with the tank maker... if need fixing... at least can still do it while its dry
  16. Yeah the position of the chiller is fixed... will not move it around anymore... however, if I need to remove the chiller for maintenance next time... can still do so using the 2 Ball Valves installed on top of the chiller (am I calling it correctly? I believe those 2 are Ball Valves right?)
  17. I know you guys are probably sick of all these pipings Well... I have nothing much to show Here's a shot below the external overflow box (view from the sump cabinet upwards) things are nice and neat... the way I like it... also like the curved PVC pipe That's the overflow outlet to the sump
  18. My chiller Love the professional-looking piping works... neater than rubber hose... really appreciate the efforts that went into the setup... even outside the tank (for this matter). The space between the chiller and the tank will be covered by a cabinet extension in Phase II.
  19. Piping is almost done... the nearer outlet is connected to the Flushing System... the further away is the return outlet Haha... after all these... I still know NUTZ about piping/plumbing/DIY I think it's genetic
  20. Yes, also important is to find out the cause of death... try to understand why... perhaps go to another LFS for a change... perhaps the Q tank is not getting proper filtration
  21. Another closer look at the Flushing System... a network of PVC pipes... the structure will securely land on the surface of the glass making is very sturdy... even allows for stacking of LR (if ever needed). The T-off to the Flushing System is controllable... so I can sometimes create a very strong flush whenever necessary The tank maker will continue work today... hopefully more pix to post tonight Two words describe my tank right now... slow and steady
  22. The pleasure is mine bro Chris... there will be more "pleasures" coming soon... more
  23. The truth will come... I hope the truth will proof me wrong... very wrong...
  24. It is a must... good decision bro
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