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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. As expected... once connected to the main tank... the skimmer went crazy... must be from the Live Sand Will be relocating the Aquatronica Power Unit behind the skimmer to better manage safety
  2. Thanks bro for the info... I think I will give it a miss for the time being as the 2 Black Sea Cucumber might have difficulty finding enough food for the first few weeks
  3. Yeah... once in a while... we do need something to feel refreshing about ... it's gonna be your turn very soon
  4. Oh dear... tomorrow morning, forget about taking pictures... get ready your chopsticks
  5. My Powder Blue Tang roaming happily marking its territory
  6. Decommissioned my Sump 2 (holding tank for my PBT and BT)... connected the main tank to the sump already. Everything is place finally The Tunze Wavebox is creating havoc in my overflow compartment
  7. Maybe adding another Tang might help... then both will get competitive and start pecking... kiasu
  8. So Chinese New Year :eyebrow:
  9. What goes in... must comes out White sand from the LFS display tank
  10. Pour them into the tank after acclimatization... and my poor Blue-legged Hermit was trapped in between... looking really stress
  11. Even your snail has lumps Fan blowing light fixture? Emm... how about install a motor to move the lighting left and right to mimic sun orientation? Btw... went LFS shopping after meeting... tadaa!
  12. Just to add that I have a hood to cover the lighting fixture... it will be hidden from view
  13. Wow... very unique low lying rockscape... what do you intend to put on top?
  14. Time to feature some snails... transfered over from my Sump 2
  15. I am quite surprised by the brightness a 2ft fixture can offer... to minimize dark areas, I lifted up the left side to achieve a wider coverage... I then tilted it slightly facing to the front to focus the light to the front portion of the tank... the effect is quite dramatic actually with more shaded crevices to add a sense of 3D to the rockscape. Will settle for this... for the time being By using this light fixture, I manage to bring down my power consumption from 136 kW (10 tubes/4ft) to 29 kW (4 tubes/2ft) per month... that's more than 3/4 reduction :eyebrow: The next challenge is of course depends on how corals such as LPS and softies react to the lighting. Will be able to find out pretty soon I hope I didn't disappoint you guys too much
  16. Revealing my light fixture :eyebrow: Actually it is my old 2ft x 4 tubes ATI Powermodule
  17. A bit of algae growing on your clam shell... time to call in the cleaning aunties
  18. Fascinating... I suppose they are not that common as I have not seen them around
  19. Since the tank water is ready... I am now preparing for the introduction of algae/detritus busters Here's an interesting link... DETRITUS BUSTERS... will try to follow their recommended species + quantity. http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Di....cfm?pCatId=532 Here's ALGAE BUSTERS http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Di....cfm?pCatId=494
  20. More like WHITE SWAN becomes WHITE SKELETON... then brown... then green... :pinch:
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