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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. More pix to share... My temporary power extension... to be replaced by 2 Aquatronica Power Units early next month (to coincide with the corals transfer). There are a total of 2 Elbiru light fixtures installed inside the cabinet
  2. To be frank with you... I am still learning the difference between the two It depends on what kinda pump I suppose... and yes, I think restricting 100% flow (for example closing the valve) will definitely do harm to the pump... even if the pump can withstand the pressure... the piping and valves (and everything in between) may burst! I will be able to share with you guys more on this once I fill up my tank (hopefully this Friday)
  3. I love that MAGNET!!! I'm gonna get 1 too!!! WAIT FOR MEEEEEEEEe eeee Share with us leh... is it really worth the money and the hype?
  4. 6000 left and right facing diagonally towards the front glass... 6060 at the back of the rockworks Emm... what are those brownish stuff on the water surface at the first chamber?
  5. Wow... we have the same configurations... 2 x 6000 + 1 x 6060
  6. SALT in stand-by... getting ready for the BIG DAY... hopefully it will happen this Saturday
  7. A pix of my DI water top-up station... with a built-in Aquabee UP300 neatly installed with ball valve to offer control over the top-up rate Have not decided where to place the station... it's so slim... it can easily fit anywhere
  8. Well we will be able to see in a few days time If the RD can't do the job... I can use it for some other purpose and get another pump No problem at all
  9. Hehe... thanks for mentioning my name so many times Well... just to make things clear... a lot of reefers successfully keep their LS happy without the use of high-tech equipments. IMO, high-tech equipments will help achieve a higher changes of success... but in the end of the day... it's still planning and knowledge (and a lot of lucks). If I'm not wrong, you will set up a proper tank soon right? Plan properly... if you can afford Germany products... by all means... if not... alternative products will work just as well... so do not be constraint by the $$$ factor too much. Continue to talk to us... and what's important is also to make up your mind in the end of the day... as there is no absolute right and wrong in reefing methods... sometimes you will find a lot of ideas that contradict each other. But that's part of learning Give yourself 6 months
  10. Haha... bro yvoneysl is a very powerful man A glory to all mankind!
  12. Of course you are invited over... yeah make sure you are only interested in the tank... I have a lot of female designers here
  13. Haha... they are the same thing... typo. Bioload!
  14. Nope, the chiller will get its dedicated pump, an Aquabee 3000. Well I am using a Red Dragon 6500 for both return and Flushing System, both with dedicated ball valves... so don't think i will have any difficulty getting the pressure.
  15. Very nice... nice close up shots... bro what lighting are you using? I got a feeling you are not using MH
  16. That is a very interesting and valid point... that's why I will have to do frequest high pressurized flushing by releasing the ball valve... hopefully this will reduce significantly (if not stop) the coralline algae from covering the holes.
  17. I will update you guys more on the sump portion in 2 days time... once I fill up the tank with water... will also do a step by step update on how I setup the plenum and DSB. As for the bioballs... I will use them initially to boost the bacteria colonization... however in the long run... I will remove them or replace with some other media (if necessary). With such an oversized protein skimmer I will be running (5 times the recommended capacity), I believe that will reduce the chances of a Nitrate build-up... but I will still look into it as the tank matures
  18. Yeah... totally stunning!!! Amazing results
  19. Much better... can see the improvements everytime you post your revised plan... having the chiller hot air outlet next to your window is good... you sure your skimmer can fit? Looks very short to me leh... a BK?
  20. Don't you think a good quality solenoid valve will costs more than a Eheim Compact 300?
  21. Wah can't wait to see your LED fixture... give us a taste of the FUTURE
  22. Thanks bro Dominik and Godzilla for the kind offer I think I will manage... NO mountain too high for me... NO ocean too deep for me Sorry
  23. Last pix of the day... ground filling ceremony Only manage to wash this much this afternoon Will work harder tomorrow... if everything goes according to plan... will fill up with DI water Thursday... wonder how long will it take
  24. You can try the Tunze top-up pump... I am currently using it coz it comes with the Tunze Reefpack 500. I'm sure you know where to find it Or... the Tunze mini pump... I am currently using it for my Phosban 150 FR (old tank) and it works perfectly! You can also try Eheim Compact 300... cheap and good
  25. The Hawaiian Puka Shell... requires a lot of rinsing and washing... only manage to wash 3/4 pack as I need to rush off for a photoshoot (I art direct only... unfortunately I am not the model ) Although a very tideous process... I guess I don't get to do this very often
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