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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Historica... first taste of DI water at 8.45am... will see how much time needed to fill up my humble little tank
  2. Jie... why don't you just let them be together... get a new daughter...
  3. Thanks bro... that's exactly what I need to hear
  4. Considering removing the bioballs... probably not replacing with other media... the only worry is noise... I don't think I can endure water fall sound effect all day long Any suggestion bros and sis? Thanks in advance...
  5. My sump... still waiting for a few more equipments and Aquatronica to complete the picture... will focus on power management and safety next
  6. Err... bro your statement very suggestive leh... Lucky met you before... or else scared lor
  7. Just for show only lah... got some left Usually they eat pellets You think I got that kinda patience meh?
  8. Yupe 4 packs I just want a thin layer... so 4 packs is sufficient... but of course... can add anothe 2 packs... just more washing
  9. That tweezer not really that long... my hand still have to touch water RED PRATA all beefed up
  10. Emm... then I shall make sure my tank got no algae/diatom bloom
  12. New RED PRATA getting 2 pieces of meat!
  13. Feeding time!!! Using small frozen market shrimp... bought from Cold Storage... Oh I am so busy nowadays... updating 2 threads simultaneously
  14. DSB chamber... showing the Plenum with around 1" gap beneath the white mesh... will fill it up with Nature's Ocean Live Sand (Aragonite) once the water condition is right ATI BM 250 on the left, bubble counter on the right... pumps compartment on the far right
  15. Ready for the next step... Will cover the overflow box soon... will not see the Durso and etc.
  16. Close up of the Australian Gold aragonite
  17. Emm... the Australian Gold I placed on the surface... just one pack... maybe stir them tomorrow so that the surface is less brown Also the flash light made the pix more red/brown
  18. Haha... yeah I'm quite curious how it will turn out to be under my T5s
  19. Wah... you think I'm a marriage counsellor? Got government subsidy or not?
  20. You 2 made me laugh until cry lah
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