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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Thanks bro... yeah I think I will remove the rotting shrimps tomorrow since the LR will come in tomorrow... they are turning MAGENTA now... the entire shrimp covered in MAGENTA I wonder how it smells...
  2. Nah... I got this little guy to help me MASK the smell
  3. Activated the Flushing System... can see a small crater is bring created right beneath the Flushing System... but nothing to worry about...
  4. Jess... you are a SIS right? Hehe... if not...
  5. Is it good to have DI? OF COURSE!!! I'm quite surprise your tank is not being filled with DI water... yes, the water will clear up within days Don't have to rush into other equipments... read a bit more while waiting for your tank to cycle
  6. Hi Jess Go through my list of equipments below... and tell me who you think my tank maker is... Those shrimps are to create a mess in the tank I need to spike the Ammonia a little so that my bacterias will not starve to death... this is initial part of the Nitrogen Cycle... putting in shrimp is just one of the methods... do read a bit more on Nitrogen Cycle before going down to Cold Storage and buy yourself 1kg of Tiger Prawn
  7. Yeah... the same colour as Purple Queen
  8. You guys think we should create a club or something for AquaMarin setups?
  9. I know... we are all hard to pleased Here's a short update... my shrimps are changing colour But both Ammonia and Nitrite still very low
  10. Part of the Tunze Reefpack 500... this filter is very efficient... still amazed by it
  11. Preparing for my week-long holiday this coming weekend... Tunze mechanical filter for extra filtration while I'm away
  12. Finally get a decent shot of my morphing (suspected) Blue Eye Anthias Is it? Or is it now?
  13. Bro Stabilo... as mentioned before... there are always more than 1 ways to tackle a problem... seems like you have taken a slightly different route but more importantly is... we do arrive there... one way or another
  14. Price difference between them is Reefpack around $500 more expensive than the Turbostar Flotor... due to different scale. Reefpack is more complete and as you mentioned, the mechanical filter is very efficient. Fun of building your own tank? What is there to build in your case To be honest bro, the glass tank is the cheapest among all equipments. And your 2 x 1 x 1.5 is not very suitable for marine... furthermore I suspect your glass in not thick enough. Saltwater tank usually slightly thicker than freshwater coz saltwater is heavier... u do not want the tank to crack in your bedroom do you? My advise, if budget is not TOO tight, do consider a proper tank setup. Trust me, I've upgraded 3 times within a 8 month period... setting up a mediocre tank is as good as not attempting at all. Water volume is everything... your current 2ft is too low in volume to allow stable parameters. If you have space constraint, you should at least consider a 2ft cube with sump. Visit bro Hammy's 2ft cube... you will see how much more fun it can be... coz seriously, you do need the depth to achieve nice rock scaping and sufficient space to place your corals.
  15. Yeah... heard it on BBC radio yesterday... thanks bro Seamonkee for sharing!!! This is the amazing thing about mother nature... some will go (extinct)... some will be discovered... the cycle never ends
  16. I know... don't you guys think the amount of bubbles/foam too exaggerated? As pointed out by bro Cherm... it could be the addition of bacteria that produces such an extraordinarily huge amount of bubbles...
  17. Hi bro Stabilo Yes, the AquaMedic Biobacter do not need external food source as it comes with Bacter tabs, however, I also have a large amount of shell bed to conquer and Live Aragonite to feed... I figure the addition of some small shrimps will not do the tank any harm. The last thing I want is for those billions of bacteria came with the Live Aragonite to starve to death I just ran the skimmer for testing only, not really trying to collect any waste as there isn't much to skim anyway. Just to kick-in the unit at this initial stage, therefore not putting in the collection cup. Well... if you are not using matured LR, LS and some existing tank water... spikes in ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are expected as part of the Nitrogen Cycle... unless your tank was not cycled properly at the initial stage hence the nitrate problem you encounter 4 months later
  18. It's also heat management in the end... T5 emitting lesser heat into the water... lessen the burden of the chiller (another power-hungry heavyweight)... wouldn't suggest T5 for a 3ft height tank
  19. Damn... the smell of the rotting shrimps is definitely unpleasant Need to buy air freshener later
  20. How about a Sugar Daddy? Enrol to TCC now... recruiting strong young men like you
  21. Here you go... I placed a packet of Live Substrate (coarser than Live Sand) in my main tank. Will be using the finer version of Live Sand for my sump's DSB later.
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