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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Hi guys Just an update (a very lengthy one)... If you guys are looking for a fun place to be with the family and yet enjoy REEFING along the way... Sydney is good... everything here is marine inspired... I'll start with a very LONGGGGG update on the first attraction we went to... 3 hours upon touching down Enjoy The SQ night flight is good... departs hours after work, arrive the next morning... just in time for Chinatown Tim Sum
  2. Haha... my Darling is here with me... safe and sound Bad news guys, flight cancelled... they found a crack on the aircraft door I am now stuck here!!! Maybe they found bombs inside the craft or in one of the luggages If you guys don't here from me tomorrow, please adopt my fishes and corals Will only reach Sg 3am tomorrow
  3. 1) chercm 2) ReDDeviLs 3) Iceman 4) Jervismun
  4. Guys! I'm in Sydney Airport now!!! Will reach tonight 10.30pm... hopefully... no disaster at home... but I've taken tomorrow "off" just in case So much to update... sharks... whales... everything!!!
  5. Nice US Zoas!!! And the Rics are nice too... lovely
  6. Bro... I wanna see the Violet Tang... not seen one before
  7. Actually there isn't much smell... furthermore the Glade Lavender air freshener is good at masking it Oh... in a reef tank... anything for the beneficial bacterias... anything
  8. Haha... well mine doesn't venture on the sand bed... coz there isn't much room for it to move around It prefers to conquer the glass panels instead They are known to consume coralline algae though... but will have to transfer it to my new tank together with the other corals and inverts... coz will not use a chiller anymore... will go FOWLR without chiller
  9. It is... hehe despite all the negative reports... this small specimen been well behaved... mainly spending time on glass panels especially the top corners
  10. The AquaMedic Biobacter comes with its own bacteria food... tablet form... I personally don't think Biobacters are consuming all my rotten shrimps... possibly the billions of bacterias that came with the packet of Nature's Ocean Live Aragonite I added last week... if that is the case, then it is a pack of damn hungry bacterias I shall not remove the baby shrimps and let them keep my bacterias happy Guys... just wanna make it clear, the reason why I am introducing this mess into my tank is because I have not introduce any Live Rock yet. With Live Rock, shrimps are unnecessary as the amount of ammonia released by the LR will sufficiently kick-start the Nitrogen Cycle
  11. Haha... that's a good one... well... anything for bro Hammy... anything
  12. Present? emm... nothing exciting from Australia leh You should feed them when they fully extended... day time is the best... applicable to almost all corals My Red Prata? Haha... a bit photoshop lah
  13. Hi Jess, I am not trying to prove you wrong... but I think we are referring to 2 different issues here. PUR II is a good product, I am using it. PUR II works well within the system. DI Unit is a good product also. It will remove pollutants so that you do not introduce them into your tank. Yes, in the long run... filters need to be replaced... that's why it comes with a TDS meter... once the reading is high (in ppm), it's time to change filter. The best is to run both, DI water for your salt mix and top up water... and also PUR II (or any other media) in your trusted FRs.
  14. Yes PUR II is a good product, but why solve the problem later if you can tackle the problem at its root... why introduce the pollutants into the tank in the first place? Take my home tank for example... using primarily tap water... even with all the good equipments running in my tank... sometimes I still find it frustrating trimming all those hair algae
  15. Emm... a pretty awkward looking Red Prata
  16. Scary... now why can't the creator of Alien drew inspiration from this Plate?
  17. My this particular Gonio always turn fat and limpy everytime it feeds Not a pretty sight
  18. Here... feeding my Gonios (and other corals) one last time before I leave for Sydney tomorrow
  19. Bro Jess, yes it is necessary... go to my tank thread... you will see why I said that... http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...ic=51944&st=570
  20. Yes I will be getting a CR... but have not really decided on a model yet... as I am recovering from the damage Yes CR is very good to constantly provide your corals with sufficient Calcium and help stabilize kH and also help maintain Magnesium (depending on media selection). The only set back is a slightly lower pH... around 0.2 lower than usual. CR is not a plug and play TOY, make sure Steve is there to help you set up... also need to learn the idea behind it... well... at least your Aquatronica will help you do some of the more difficult tasks
  21. Just want to share with you guys... shocking results actually... especially for the Domestic Water Purifier... all these while... I was just wasting my time and money
  22. Steve came over to my office and fixed the minor glitch... no barely can here any sound from the dorso... instead I can hear Red Dragon
  23. Yeah... would love to see your new concept... what bout the new toy?
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