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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Algae everywhere as predicted... well... they do help feed my fishes... so shouldn't complain too much Headcount... no MIA
  2. I'm BACK!!! 9 days of NOT maintaining my tank...
  3. Oh really? Well... i shall move it to the new tank then
  4. I went with my CFO, meeting my parents and 2 sisters there... a get together since my sis bought a small little apartment... see pix... (Note: that LCD TV is my present for her new home)
  5. Last pix... that's all for DAY #1... of course... we all watched Finding Nemo that night (including The Making...)
  6. Did you know that the Great Barrier Reef is the only natural structure built by animals visible from space?
  7. Fantastic coral growth on rockscapes... are those SPS?
  8. The Great Barrier Reef Oceanarium... has approx. 2 million litres of water... maintained at constant 24ºC All round display including the floor...
  9. My favourite Did you know that the Great Barrier Reef is larger in area than the U.K.?
  10. Very nice... are those Branched Anemones? Have not come across in LFS
  11. Is this a Blue Basslet? Looks like my Black Cap but in blue
  12. Now what happened to this specimen? There are 2 of these blackened Blue Tangs
  13. Very nice composition of Anemones...
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