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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Emm... discovered this morning... seems like my Urchin is sick of sticking on the glass... well... if I see white patches on my rock tonight... Urchin will go
  2. Discussed with tank maker last night... will add in 2 packs of Nature's Ocean Live Sand to fill up the DSB chamber, need to check the netting once again to ensure no leaking into the Plenum gap... and must off return pump too, dun wanna clog the counter bubble sponge Will try to put in this Friday, coz I am chasing the workshop to return my car by Thursday (tomorrow) Then can go J. Kayu... I miss LFS shopping Hopefully by Friday, my NO3 will continue to rise a bit... but I dun expect sharp spike as I've removed the "tempura" shrimps yesterday... phew... smell like dead rats
  3. Ok obviously there ain't much flower lovers here... well... tonight will update Day #5, more exciting this time I promise
  4. Yeah... so sad... need to con people to take my tank for free
  5. Wah so pro!!! I heard it is very accurate... and very easy to read coz the colour indications are clear Good investment!
  6. The Black Beauty will not disturb your corals... but make sure there is not wavemakers nearby... or it can release so much toxin... it can give you a partial tank crash
  7. Lyretail and Blue Eyes are different species... confirm not Blue Eyes... Lyretail maybe...
  8. Is it the colour of the photographs or what... you have a few male Anthias? The Mandarin looks a bit skinny... hopefully it will feed well
  9. Thanks... only if it continues to open up...
  10. Or maybe it's your photography effect... do consider properly before you add more heat to your tank
  11. That can be another explaination... but I dun think the nutriet level is much higher than before my trip... coz I was not there to feed the corals...
  12. I replaced the filter wool yesterday morning and see... I think i need to do water change soon Coz the Filter is not installed properly, there are trapped air bubbles inside... releasing lots of microbubbles into the tank. Will add back the entire Reefpack 500 after the coral transfer... the mechanical filter is another Tunze's strength not recognized by many
  13. Even the stubborn Pink Gonio I bought 3 weeks ago... is finally showing sign of opening... was discouraged by it before the trip Now I just hope that the tentacles will continue to extend... There could only be 2 reasons for the positive signs my Gonioporas are showing: 1) Large amount of macroalgae growth during my holidays 2) Tunze Filter so efficient it cleans the water so well... my corals are showing sign of happiness... I think the Tunze Filter is doing a heck of a job and credit must go to it
  14. Today, notice sign of recovery... i got a feeling the polyps will grow back just like before Very happy coz not only that my tank survived 9 days without me... the corals are looking healthier than before
  15. The macroalgaes actually help my tank a lot... it is a great great way to export unwanted nutrients such as PO4 and NO3 especially during holiday times Here's a pix of my unhealthy looking Red Gonio taken before my holidays... was upset at that time coz this piece has been with me for more than 5 months < Pix taken 16th September 2006 >
  16. Your Galaxy still in your tank? I can still remember your giant Cardinals
  17. Long time no update... emm... how come your lighting is not evenly distributed? I think one of the reason your Tangs look blur is your tank is not bright enough... so the aperture speed becomes longer hence not able to capture the fishes
  18. Will the sticking on glass leave any stain behind?
  19. Last pix... Black Swan from Perth (Western Australia) Anyone wanna see more flowers? I have 200+
  20. Singapore's showcase Not brad lah...
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