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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Australia is so rich in both flora and fauna... they don't have to import anything... unlike our zoos, gardens and aquariums
  2. Featuring me... second time appear in this thread
  3. Damn those ants are at least 1" in length... scary
  4. First display... a 2 storey high display of Australian Butterflies and Moths
  5. The entrance statement is really well done... aboriginal in feel... plus the earthy colour... perfect
  6. This is how the WildLife World looks like from the opposite side of the harbour... nice concept... a zoo inside the city
  7. Wildlife World... Sydney's latest attraction... this place is so new... even my aunt in Sydney never knew it existed It is next to the Aquarium... if fact it is owned by the Aquarium... if you guys have 5 hours to spare, buy combo tickets can save 30%
  8. Nice bro Flamey... of course I don't mind... I don't see any Black Tulips in Canberra though Will proceed with Day #5 now... back to Darling Harbour... it's funny everytime I visit Sydney... my life evolves around the harbour That day a very special day... can see the moon at 2pm
  9. Placed together with the rest of my Rics... used a netting to go over it just in case... will remove the net in 2 weeks time once the Rics secure their footings It's good to be able to go LFS shopping again... I love the feeling
  10. Here you go... all 7 pieces... nice colouration Give this piece 6 months... it can easily worth $400
  11. Went to AM with Sapp, Hammy and KennethK just now... all went back with plenty to post tonight I picked up 7 pieces of Rics from last 2 weeks' shipment Since I can't find a piece of rock that's suitable, I've decided to use a large piece of epoxy to act as a sticky base
  12. Haha... let me see... how about all the followings: 1) Huge RBTA minced by a Tunze Stream 2) A 1-foot long Sea Cuke chopped by another Tunze Stream 3) 5 Linckia stars melting at the same time 4) Refugium macroalgaes all going sexual 5) Yumas and Rics melting 6) Some large Angels and Tangs turn into floating tempuras Ok... more or less... total tank crash... 100% loss
  13. Very nice Candy... normally I see specimens very branched-out... and the colour is nice... a fine specimen
  14. That was just the beginning... I believe the Bubble Master can do 5 times better than that when the condition is right
  15. Haha... the truth will be revealed tonight... I hope i dun see a huge white patch
  16. The Flushing is not like "flush-to-the-drain"... it is a series of PVC pipes with holes to enhance water flow behing rockworks... refer to my previous postings for a pix... the Flushing System is a T-off from the Main Return, so naturally they are going towards the same direction I also have a small T-off with a small sticker saying " <- CR "
  17. I know... let's see if there's any white patches tonight... perhaps this specimen is only interested in green algaes I will try to give it away or return it to any LFS coz this is a very healthy specimen... bought from Henry
  18. Spent some time doing some labelling... I have 1 that says "DO NOT TOUCH!" If touch... disaster I can actually put padlocks on the valves... they do provide slots Note the electrical cable is temporary as I will be changing the power extension to Aquatronica Power Units soon
  19. Showing sign of life... now i just need to create enough mess for it to work properly Good news, car ready today... will go LFS shopping with a bro later
  20. With the Bubble success... i wonder if you ever need a chiller... seems miraculous to me too
  21. Fired up the ATI Bubble Master yesterday... very stable and working well... just that there isn't much for the BM to extract out...
  22. Well... Sea Urchins are known to consume coralline algae...
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