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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Everything seems fine this morning except for a layer of clay accumulated on my BM's neck... luckily the neck is wide enough for me to easily wipe the clay off... I think i will do this more often... the wiping off i mean
  2. Haha... I know... his Tunzes worth more than my initial setup cost Beyond comparison
  3. Bro, keep us update on the Rics... I thot I poison you too
  4. Colin, if you really really wanna try Anthias... maybe some feeding BE... that's the max you should go
  5. Yeah I will be extra careful... the sand seems to be pretty stable as the water just passes thru the top... Thanks bro
  6. From the scale of his setup... I got a feeling he drives a BMW for sure
  7. Haha... that's $75 a month worth of electricity
  8. The mess that came with the Live Sand No problem at all... allow my Bubble Master 5 mins
  9. Emm... need to clean the bubble counter sponge soon
  10. The DSB quickly settles before I knock off... not bad
  11. Everything about Salifert looks inferior... I guess they dun have to invest in glass vials and packaging coz their product is well known... despite the cheapo box and paper, Salifert is still no.1 in terms of result
  12. Turned off my main pump and skimmer... will let the live sand settle for a while... for another hour... before I knock off
  13. Just pour in... as expected... the mess is being contained within the DSB chamber
  14. Destroyed 2 clear plastic folder... use it to block the DSB chamber hopefully this will help get things organize a bit
  15. Depending on the species... all I know is Caulerpa (Green Grape) will turn white and pale... that's a bad sign
  16. And according to Tropic Marin... I shouldn't proceed with the Nitrate test as it will not be accurate anyway... so I shall wait for next round That's what I like about TM test kits... they are very informative and professional... not just a piece of photocopied A4 paper with bad translation
  17. Bought Tropic Marin Nitrite/Nitrate test kit yesterday... Despite what other reefers claimed, I find the colour quite easy to read... I like the viewing from top with the colour chart at the bottom... very easy Oh dear... Nitrite is 0.2ppm Considered high... meaning my Nitrogen Cycle is still at its infancy
  18. Ok... dun think it's as easy as dumping the Live Sand into the DSB chamber... since it is part of the sump... even if I am to off the return pump for hours... there will still be mess all around... I have a plan already... but need time to execute... will try to complete it by tomorrow... stay tune
  19. Update... well... my ATI BM... still manage to skim something out of nothing I think I need to create some sorta mess in the tank if I want to keep my aerobic bacterias happy It's amazing how "dummy proof" the BM is... no tuning whatsoever... just connect and enjoy the show
  20. Depending on specimen... I think I saw a thread before... the Black Beauty is as good as spiderman Wah Lumix not bad at all
  21. Bro Regal... yes update tomorrow morning... bought 2 packs of Live Sand... will get messy tomorrow... better wear Polo-T to work tomorrow
  22. I think they will only release toxin when they kena chopped by wavemakers Your pix all extra clear lah... what super camera you using? And stop making your YT obese
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