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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Next week? I thought some other bro already reserve the unit? I guess GOOD product is DESIRABLE... I am planning to run 2 BMs side by side
  2. Another usual... my Cleaner Shrimp is very very annoying A very large specimen I have there...
  3. As usual... my Cup Coral is the biggest benefactor All sadists out there... does the sight of Live Brine Shrimps struggling for life... dying slowly... excites you? Well it sure does it for me...
  4. Came back from LFS (to settle some debts ) Here's a bonus for my LS!!! Just to remind new reefers... Lesson No.1... must remove water that comes with live brine shrimp, frozen mysis or any form of fish food if possible.
  5. PMed you... I can collect from you anytime. Just need to confirm your set is new
  6. Emm... seems like the spread is not very wide... as highlighted by some Solaris critics... but Solaris claim to have the deflector (or something) to achieve better coverage... will yours be able to cover your entire footprint?
  7. Bro Kueytoc... I have yet to receive my lighting fixture... so it is too dark to spot any pods Good news though... NO3 is down from 10ppm (last week) to 2ppm (today)... another discovery is both Salifert and Tropic Marin give the same exact reading I guess my tank is experiencing the last stage of Nitrogen Cycle now... the next thing to do is to continue introducing minimal amount of Ammonia into the tank to keep the cultured bacterias happy prior to the introduction of Live Rocks.
  8. Ok... so all 3 questions I asked were not the determining factors of your skimmer not skimming... 1) Some food affects skimming esp. those that consists of small amount of oil or fat... but since you feed only once every few days... don't think your coral food is affecting your skimmer. 2) Good news... 3) The reason I ask is... it is known for addition of bacterias in tablets or bottle forms to increase bubble formation for a day or two. Take my tank for example, after I add in Aquamedic Biobacter, my ATI Bubble Master went crazy for 2 days Initially I suspect that is the reason why you get skimmate in day 1. Don't worry... we will find out why... or perhaps you should add 2 fishies tomorrow
  9. Bro Soul, not going against your suggestion... but since Colin is not at home most of the time... having a chopped anemone is too much of a "heart attack" for the family members to handle... but other than that... dun see a reason why not to introduce an anemone to save the gonio... i am facing similar problem too
  10. Probably your programme is more suited to those non-reefers... those who long to own a fish... sorta like the Tamagotchi concept... then it MAY be a bit clearer
  11. Oh seems like you guys are discussing on technical issues beyond my capability... i shall leave you guys on this topic and learn
  12. My intention is not to discourage, just wanna make sure you know what you are doing... yes awareness is good and i have to agree with you people been doing too much harm to topple ther balance. Do share with us your plan and your concept... share with us more on the hardware... i will contribute to your noble programme plus 10 year food supply if you able to convince me
  13. Yes... Zoas show better colouration if more light is being provided... especially if one is using T5. No harm trying bro Colin and hopefully colour will return soon...
  14. Oh those coralline on glass panels really annoys me too They will continue to spread... i suppose there's nothing much we can do except manually remove them... perhaps you wanna consider a Sea Urchin
  15. I think the desoulering part is not a problem at all... considering if get a commercial unit SOLARIS... the whole panel (25 LEDs) will probably has to be replaced Even then... dunno how long will it take since it will not be widely available for a very long time
  16. Hi bro Fishtalk... not busy at all... just spend time staring at my empty tank Still waiting for LR to be delivered on the 20th this month... nothing to stock at the moment... and obviously no LFS shopping for me till end of the month Bro I really like the Nemo you sell me... thanks for bringing me to the world of Queer Nemos
  17. No idea bro Hammy... I think it really depends on species... but 1 thing for sure is a Tridacna Gigas can live more than 100 years in the ocean Sorry a bit
  18. Emm... Aquabee 3000 is quite sufficient... however looking at the way you connect to your chiller... do expect the head loss to be tremendous... perhaps reducing your flow to half its capacity when it reaches back to your main tank. Even if you have 1500 litres remaining, that is still 400US Gallons of turnover left... quite sufficient so you should focus your worries to the protein skimmer instead. It's unusual for a skimmer to skim in day 1 then stopped skimming for the remaining of the week. 1) What have you been feeding your corals? 2) Does your skimmer requires tuning? 3) Did you add any bacteria during the first day of skimming? Hope you don't find me asking too much questions... trying to help here
  19. Oh yeah... I'm planning to do that too for my office tank... so that I can watch it from home Do share with us the setup detail as it is still a new thing for this technology to be applied to reefing
  20. Bro... I dun mean to be rude... but it's always helpful to be upfront in situation like this... coz I think you are not entirely clear of your plan. Yes, educating the public about the beauty of the sea is a sound objective... but how can you straighten up the misconception of capturing fishes and keeping them? In fact, we are removing fishes from their natural habitat and placing them in our tank. I shouldn't use the word "cruel" as many of us go to great lengths to ensure our LS' well-being... But denying that fact is a denial to the hobby as a whole... I think you can better educate the public by not offering them the opportunity to adopt a fish... let me show you the distinction between your "adopt" concept with other successful programmes: 1) Adopt a child in Africa - those poor kids need help, they were born into this world without a chance to fight for their own survival. 2) Adopt a tree - with your contribution, a tree can be planted or prolonged avoiding choppping-off 3) Adopt a nemo - remove nemo from the sea and put it in one's tank for eveybody to see? Emm... I believe Wisma Atria has been doing that for a very long time... and not without controversies. Do think about it...
  21. Emm... no skimmate is not a good sign... do find out why as your tank contains quite a lot of corals... considered medium stock... What pump are u using for your chiller/return? I suspect it is slightly underpowered
  22. All the best to your new project... juust hope that you can explain a little bit more about your "fish adoption" programme... now how does this help in the reefing community?
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