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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Wah bro Dom... dun let ur gf hear you say... "my new flame"
  2. Oh I'm sure Aqua Mart carries it... but there are a lot of other brands in the market... Aquapharm Bact Starter is good and much easier to use
  3. Wah you even spend time drawing out the Deltec skimmer...
  4. And my Bubble Master loves the rotting mussels
  5. Origin of my bacteria? Emm... there are 3 sources: 1) AquaMedic Biobacter – thanks to bro Lyz77 2) Nature's Ocean Live Substrate – AM 3) Nature's Ocean Live Sand – AM And here's a shot of my beautiful Green Mussels... apparently rotting its flesh away Ammonia up a bit to 0.25ppm this morning
  6. Haha... I can still remember your Big Mama (giant Maroon Clown)... more and more gems I must say... so what's in your stocking list... I heard this morning got Hawaii shipment
  7. Hi bro... FTS tonight Your little gobies... still very active leh One of them decided to stay inside my right back chamber (where I put my FR and chiller output)... perhaps that little guy prefers colder water or maybe some privacy I got a feeling you have given me 2 specimens of the same ######
  8. Yeah all corals are looking very happy... I like that Leather Coral than extended its trunk
  9. This pix shows how much space I have sacrificed... well... the tank will be turned into a FOWLR very soon anyway... so I guess it's alright
  10. I think having an extra protein skimmer may not be a bad idea... can see nice foam right away... Tunze DOC Skimmer 9005 - an automatic skimmer with a 500-litre (158 USgal.) air output
  11. Ok guys... did something very major today... very very major Re-introduced the Tunze Reefpack 500 (which I failed to sell) back into the Percula 90... getting ready for the downsizing exercise I've also removed the following: 1) Tunze Stream 6060 2) Tunze Stream 6000 3) 1/2 kilo Macroalgae
  12. Yah... quite rich... and all equipments black in colour leh... nice
  13. Yes... and thanks bro JC85 for the diagram. Actually the cycle has already completed last 2 days... since my live rock will only be introduced in 2 weeks time... I'm worried all my cultivated bacterias will starve to death (afraid my tank may be too sterile)... therefore I introduce the Green Mussels... hoping their decay flesh will create more Ammonia... keeping my bacterias well fed along the chain... this step is optional actually but I prefer to experiment to keep myself busy Hope you don't find my methods too confusing...
  14. Auto-feed: Eheim Auto-top up: Aquatronica Skimmer: Tune to very dry skimming (or else a possibility of overflowing) Filter floss: Removed to avoid clogging Crossed my fingers every now and then
  15. Biobacter is for adding bacteria to the tank... Well my tank completed its Nitrogen Cycle within 3 weeks (without live rock)... I guess it works But I also added some Live Sand to the substrate and DSB
  16. Wah! The 3 decaying Green Mussels produce so much wastes... my Bubble Master is back in action
  17. Ok guys... those interested in seafood can go to the link below... 1800-LIVE-CLAMS
  18. Hi bro K, actually my Gonios have not been opening well thanks to my Nemo I find them opening better when the flow is moderate... not too strong... I got a feeling my Gonios are not enjoying my Tunzes as much as the rest of the corals
  19. Make sure you are not the Nemo bro Godzilla coz I will remove the Gonios from my tank pretty soon... leaving the poor Nemo without any corals to "kacau"
  20. Bro Lyz77... ur chiller is still considered new leh... maybe it is due to the heat... my chiller is working harder these 2 weeks
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