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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Are you using any atinic tubes bro? They help in promoting coralline algae growth too I don't think you need "expensive" CR to get coralline algae
  2. A high-tech update... Movie taken this morning, the BM running out of stuff to skim and the Green Mussels are in "heaven" Enjoy!
  3. Hehe I am downgrading my home tank too... so that I can spend less time on it
  4. Actually this is the best advise... listen to your heart bro...
  5. Oh dear... so sad to hear that man... all the best to you in releasing all those high-tech gadgets I'm sure you'll be BACK!!!
  6. Here's a movie of my Algae Blenny... working extremely hard Don't you guys think the AB deserves an award?
  7. Nope... you need to dose Magnesium instead... now that's gonna hurt I find the Tropic Marin Bio-Magnesium quite good... but exp
  8. wow... twin turbo chambers magnesium can get a little higher... perhaps 1350
  9. Emm... the sand released by my Black Cap is definitely not helping the Blue Gonio to settle
  10. Video is truly amazing... I caught my Black Cap misbehave... digging a burrow for itself... discharging sand everywhere... including some on top of my new Blue Gonio Enjoy...
  11. A short film of my Black Cap and Argi Angel I like the ending part where the Black Cap swims into the small crack between the Zoas...
  12. My first video posting... this is really fun Testing 1... 2... 3
  13. Oh they are so cute... enjoying themselves on a round water bed... kinky
  14. Only certain fishes... coz sometimes they will float out to the main tank... and only certain fishes enjoy their white translucent flesh Yes I think SUN will bloody swallow them whole
  15. Oh that's a great idea... i think i better order the Black Tang now... anniversary coming in a few months time Now... how about my other sister's birthday... a Mystery Wrasse?
  16. Wah bro... you so nice to your family members leh... i know... I'll buy my mum and dad a Bubble King for their anniversary
  17. Bro... now that is one hell of a mismatch with your setup You already reached the status "most high tech 2ft cube of all time"
  18. At least the Alveopora is looking very very promising... very unique colouration indeed
  19. My youngest sister b'day soon... today bought a limited edition doll for her... surprisingly this doll costs almost as much as my Bubble Master But ok lah... when a sister ask a brother to buy something for her birthday... the brother shall never say no Will give it to her next week...
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