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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Oh dear... the damage to the fins are... quite unbearable to see... all the best to you bro
  2. Yeah... it is so much more fun to shoot also... no need to explain much and reefers will get the picture
  3. Specially shot for bro Chercm... here's how I feed my Prata... first time using mussels and I must say that I prefer shrimp better
  4. That Zoas with Pink center is very nice... can post a closer macro? Can't really see the pink... the green skirting is impressive enough
  5. Making good use of the left over Green Mussels (frozen)... Bro Maxstar, you can see your Goby at the beginning of the show
  6. Hi bro... how about your other fish? Any similar sign at all? Are you using MH? Single-ended or double-ended?
  7. Nice bro... wah that Hawkfish also getting a fair share of food... King can post a video of your BK in action?
  8. Yes bro Godzilla... it is quite a sight I removed my rotten Green Mussels from the sump as the Ammonia spike is sufficient to cause another round of Nitrogen Cycle. Wow... if only my radio could record SMELL Enjoy
  9. Very nice tank in overall bro... coral placement is "perfecto" Now... go back and take another video tonight Perhaps play some music (or sing) in the background
  10. Sorry to dilute your thread... where is the BEST place to visit? I know of a shop in Subang Jaya... I bought from them many years back My next trip to KL will be CNY next year
  11. And here come my Tunzes... nothing to shout about... all from my home tank Will try to connect at least the 6060 today
  12. Crocea looking fine to me... perhaps you wanna rotate it so that the large opening is facing you... it's more natural that way
  13. Temporarily added a stocking over the Bubble Master's outlet... to reduce noise and to avoid splashing (not so much micro bubble problem as I have a counter bubble in my sump)... you guys see the splashes on the side of the sump? Haha... splash no more Will try to find a more permanent (looking) solution...
  14. Yes I am... now here's something can't show in pix
  15. Haha... how about this? This time with music... still trying...
  16. Tried better quality... took 15 mins to upload though Haha... much better!!!
  17. This is really getting out of hand Will move the Blue Gonio to a better spot... like that how to settle down
  18. Probably his Cleaner Shrimps (aka Hungry Ghost Shrimp) are as annoying as mine
  19. Now the beauty of these corals can be appreciated better with movement
  20. Bro I do go back KL once or twice a year... next time I visit you lah We can go LFS shopping
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