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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Yes... please hand it over for my safe keeping
  2. Not bad at all for a FIRST!!! MORE MORE MORE!!!
  3. Interesting... bro Atos can PM me the place in HK? HK here I come!!!
  4. True... but gotto keep things minimal... or else... disaster to my bank account every 1 1/2 years Here's a video of some of my Red/Pink Gonios... the Blue Goniopora is looking optimistic... but polyps extension been extremely slow
  5. 1 probe will do the job fine... as it is a "float" sensor... so there's a Level 1 and Level 2 reading... actually I purchased another sensor the other time... probably will find some other use for that extra sensor
  6. Wah Flame Angel so fierce... i thought the RED is only for show only
  7. It's a very simple gadget... a water level sensor to activate my water top-up system
  8. The mounting of the Power Unit is pretty easy with the supplied aluminium bracket...
  9. Moved my entire Aquatronica set to my new office setup today... much easier than expected... took me 1 hour to dismantle (and clean)... 1 hour to put up
  10. All parameters looking alright... temporary location for my Aquatronica Control Unit Comfortably sitting on my Aquapharm Sorb-4 container Also, programmed the ATI Bubble Master and Tunze Stream 6060 to rest for 12 hours everyday... shown in the control screen with a "clock" icon... socket B & F
  11. Temporary location for the probes... left to right: Conductivity (Sg), Redox, pH and Water Level... Don't worry about the probes... they are all at least 1" away from the DSB surface But will find them a proper location once all my equipments are up... will do a final round of calibration prior to the relocation. I placed the temperature probe inside the overflow box instead as it offers a more accurate temperature (closer to main tank) compared to the sump. Expecting 1 or 2 more probes to come in The black glass design is paying off... part of my intention actually
  12. Wah... this fish changed so many hands?
  13. Yeah I am good at labelling stuff Yes the main overflow pipe is on top of my Aquatronica Power Unit... dun think the PVC pipe will leak as the construction is really solid and it has gone through 1 month of leak test... however better be safe than sorry... I will look at ways to avoid seeing Mr. Murphy
  14. Cool... that hurts Remember not to dose both within a day... applicable to all other elements Just a general guide...
  15. Ok you guys... don't dilute my thread with "air bubbles" But personally... I still prefer to see my skimmer do what it is suppose to do... it acts as some kinda assurance for me...
  16. Err... that is if I am to pay their air tickets all the way from Italy Anyway... it's not too hard... luckly the timber plank used for my cabinet wall is quite soft All fixed up... in less than an hour... the empty slots will be reserved for my lighting... special custom-order from ATI Germany
  17. Thanks bro... well nothing new for me... an old set... Ok here's how I manage to firmly mount the Aquatronica Power Unit onto my sump cabinet wall... as you can see... I am still struggling with the DIY part in this hobby
  18. Good... but costly... Ok lah... must give you credit for your kalk dosing systeem lah
  19. What a mess... Oh... this is a very expensive set... as it comes with the VAIO notebook
  20. And for the first time... it is possible to show you guys how easy it is to adjust the height of the ATI PM... but you do need both hands though
  21. Was doing some maintenance on the ATI PM yesterday... basically wiping clean the protective plastic... realized that I can show how easy it is to maintain the tubes using VIDEO!!! Just slide it! No fussy screws or clips
  22. Bro your Schuran still not producing any skimmate? It's been weeks Have you introduced any fish yet to your main tank?
  23. The large screen in action... made possible by video
  24. I will be able to let you know in 2 days time...
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