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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Bro... do check the accuracy of your Calcium test kit. Magnesium and Calcium are interlinked... so if you can't maintain Mg at the correct level... Ca will be affected too. 3 parts of Mg : 1 part of Ca (Mg 1400 : Ca 450) Hope this helps How old is your tank btw? Je®vis
  2. Fishes do take a while to settle down... 1 week is too short a period to be considered stable therefore the death of your YT could just be a coincidental occurance... I don't think it has anything to do with the introduction of the Bubble Coral. It's always good practice (and habit) to find out the reason behind the sudden death. Do a major water tests and fix/improve the water condition before introducing another YT. Btw, how long has your tank been running? Je®vis
  3. You can consider a DSB (Deep Sand Bed)... you can go to the internet and read more about DSB. Here's how my DSB chamber looks like within my new sump. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...ic=51944&st=630 Planting macroalgae can be beneficial (esp. in removing Phosphate) but addition of light source will promote algae growth all over your sump (including the inner chamber of your protein skimmer). In my opinion, a DSB with a plenum is good enough. Do consider adding filter floss as mentioned by previous posting. Try not to let any unfinished food or wastes to get into the coral chip chamber... any trapped wastes there will create unnecessary Nitrate and if left unattended may clog the entire flow... creating the ultimate disaster All the best!
  4. Finally a temperature sensor report (1 day)... show's that without a chiller (and lighting)... the temperature of my tank will drop from 29.5ºC to probably 28ºC till end day... before raising back to 29.5ºC during the night till next morning. The room temperature is 26ºC. The situation will be very different during weekends and I expect the chiller to work extra hard
  5. How about a Litre of my ATI BM skimmate? Sure enough nutrient to CRASH the tank But Hammy got Deltec lah... so he will be saved
  6. Magnesium is at a very optimal level too... Marine Environment Salt Mix rocks!!!
  7. Did a final Calcium test before installing my CR (coming very soon)... still maintained at above 450 ppm
  8. Yes this is a newer version than the Plaza Sing... u see those "beacons" on top of each parking lot with Green, Red and Blue light? Those are new feature
  9. Very rarely featured... my trusted Sand Sifting Star... been growing steadily
  10. My Blue Gonio at its best Let's give it another 3 days and see how...
  11. Give me SPS!!! Next time when you need to get rid of the overgrown colonies
  12. Bro, I've tried relocating my probes further away from each other... but the results are consistent... so I guess I will put my probes back to the original position as they look neater that way
  13. Algae gone? Due to your recent introduction of Kalkwasser? Bro... you must make this WORK... a 2ft cube with thriving healthy SPS... MUST WORK!!!
  14. A Capitaland Mall's signature... very distinct escalator lobby... I LIKE!!! Ok that's all folks!!! Important: Dunno why... parking was free yesterday... Thursday lunch time...
  15. But things can get a little out of hand when they OVERDO it... so damn confusing... should I look at the signs above... or incoming cars below?
  16. I particularly like the "beacons" on top of each lot... from afar you can see if there's any available slots before making the turn... if you see GREEN... GO FOR IT!!!
  17. Went to Vivo City yesterday... as part of my job... I studied their car park system briefly... I shall talk less, show more (my trademark) Totally automated with 10000 sensors all over the place... just follow the sign... when it shows "0"... no point turning in lah
  18. Hi Wrang Nice of you to drop by... well if you already have a running IKS... there's really no reason for you to upgrade as they are pretty similar in functionality at the moment. Yes, Aquatronica is mainly plastic... considering plastic being the most appropriate material to be used in a saltwater setup environment... I shouldn't complain too much on that. But it doesn't feel inferior, that I can assure you. How's the price difference between IKS and Aquatronica in Sweden? Over here... the difference is quite significant. The calibration of the probes are pretty easy... if I can handle it... a lot of reefers will find it easy to handle too
  19. Thanks Reefzzz Yes Goniopora is one of the more trickier LPS... a lot of reefers just can't keep them alive for a long period of time. I think this 1990 article is still valid... just to add to that... try to avoid having "annoying" clown fish in the tank as it may disturb the Gonio... resulting of it not opening up well... hence starve to death! So far... I've got good success rate... but space is definitely a problem right now. Will allocate an exclusive Gonio corner in my new tank
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