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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. I've got 10 pieces... mostly small colonies Here's my Red Gonio... the yellow spots seem like fungus of some sort... but the Gonio looks happy enough to stop me from panicking for the time being... this is a nice specimen with Purple center
  2. I did that an hour ago... I destroyed my Black Cap's home It went crazy just now... while I remove the Zoas on top that covers it's burrow... I guess it will go look for another new "hole" More pix of my Goniopora... this time a Lime Green Goniopora
  3. A closer look at my Pink Metallic Goniopora... seriously... this specimen looks metallic
  4. Emm... I think my special diet works on my Yellow Tang... just right... sorry guys... I am not into obesity Interesting details on the right... see nice purple coralline algae growth... and Tonga Radioactive Zoas grown over from the main colony I placed too near
  5. Here's my rescaped Gonio Garden Of course there are more out of the picture
  6. How about a close up look at his handsome face
  7. The Black Cap manage to irritate me yet once again
  8. Haha... there will be fish inside the tank... but it will be of minimal quantity for the first couple of months... nope... no Angel in my fish list
  9. Haha... firstly, SPS will not be placed on the sand bed (at least I have not seen any)... my office tank's DSB is in the sump tank
  10. Yes... that's a very nice way of putting at it... ohh... why I always end up with annoying inverts & etc. Might move the Sand Dollar to my office tank's DSB... will check with Steve.
  11. Oh my!!! My Red Prata vanished It was pushed 5" to the left by my wicked SAND DOLLAR
  12. Haha... I actually cut in very thin... the Prata will slowly consumes it Phew... manage to decom my Aquamedic NR1000 Denitrator... the smell is heavenly Will keep it empty for the time being... can always fire it up when the need arises... currently my home tank manages to keep to an undetectable level of NO3 for 3 weeks without running the NR1000.
  13. Wah Colin making friends all over the place... Colin let's go shop together sometime soon
  14. Ic... I guess my new CR will be using Aquapharm Reeflith then Do update us on the outcome of the CR
  15. I'm not a GURU but I sorta disagree with the article. From my experience, it is still best to remove any wastes, floating particles, detritus at its source... than to expect your bacterias to dissolve them over time. There are also constant slimes released by various corals to be removed from the water column. I suggest we stick to the filter floss as a first line of defense (and also as a form of silencer)... change your filter floss every 1 to 2 weeks. That will do the trick... really. Let's not exaggerate the Nitrate Factory aspect here. Hope this helps JeĀ®vis
  16. Bro what media are you using? I will be getting my CR in a few days time and I suspect I will be provided the same media as you
  17. Very nice CR... and I see Aquatronica
  18. Very good... it's good to have your tools hang-dried like that... coz they will tend to go rusty if kept in drawers... good work... so far!!!
  19. Wow!!! You are really a piping master
  20. Feeding time for my Pratas Please tell me I am not pampering them too much
  21. Hammy I thot your FLAME is a gift from your GF? I guess you will have to choose between SPS or GF
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