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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Ok... that 5-year old computer is giving me a bit of problem with the connection... will attempt again tomorrow or Wednesday Let me introduce... Artica 1/3hp!!! Firing up for the first time... it is so so silent... it's no noisier than a domestic refrigerator... worth every single cent IMO... and that's a lot of cents to count View the video and try to distinguish the sound from my background music
  2. My new Mandarin's first shot Now go feed on all those pods floating around the tank
  3. New addition!!! Went to CF with bro Jinhui Hehe... this is how I acclimatize small fishies... using a 20ml syringe to add tank water into the glasses
  4. Haha... Chercm was just teasing you... he is in a teasing mood lately
  5. Oh dear... doesn't look very optimistic bro... prepare for the worst
  6. Bro you might wanna add another layer of extra small netting... sand tends to dissolve over time and they will clog your Plenum gap
  7. Bro... we've been chatting almost everyday for the past few weeks... Yes... of course I owe you guys something exciting (as promised)... dun worry... that day will come Found an old laptop (5 years old) to replace my VAIO... I think this is the most "sane" decision I've made so far
  8. Thanks bro Flamey... that's a very very good read... since I am planning on a coral transfer to my new tank... do you think I shall take the opportunity to use Flatworm Exit prior to the transfer? Do it in a separate tank perhaps... I have a small 1ft tank lying somewhere at home... I can fire it up in the office to prepare for the dipping. Do I dip all corals? (Just to be save) or just dip the affected Gonios? Thanks for all your inputs... really appreciate it.
  9. Time to be a responsible reefer Will drop all these empty bottles in one of those recycling bin by this week That's the least we can do... agree?
  10. Thanks bro... I will do more research on this...
  11. Very nice... why not add some background music?
  12. Haha... that's a hitchiker feather duster
  13. My Black Cap found his new home... haha A little cave next to my Yellow Gonio
  14. My lucky day!!! The Sand Dollar decided to surface... climbed up the LR... creating havoc to my Gonios... already removed it from the main tank... currently in isolation within the IOS chamber on the back Will move it to my office tank next week.
  15. Coz I've started a larger reef tank in my office... and my financial capability allows me to only maintain 1 reef tank
  16. Hi guys I noticed some yellow spots on my Red Gonio recently... this specimen has been with me for months now... Despite the yellow dots... the specimen looks happy to me Also notice the white tips... those are new too Hoping can get some experienced views from you guys. Thanks JeĀ®vis
  17. It's such a waste I have to downgrade the tank into a FOWLR... the system is maturing... shown clearly in this SIDE shot
  18. An extremely PACKED FTS It's amazing how my system can still maintain its balance with such high bio-load... Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate & Phosphate... all at undetectable levels... for months now
  19. Here's my latest fav... an Alveopora I picked up from GO the last time I was there... can you guys count the no. of tentacles? Alveopora has lesser tentacles than Goniopora... do a count
  20. One of my favourites... Red Gonio with orange center
  21. Haha... good attempt Nah... everything is settled for now... poor Black Cap trying to look for his demolished home I notice the Blue Gonio is opening up slowly... without the constant disturbance
  22. Well... adding Anti-chlorine is good to remove chlorine in tap water... but it will not stop algae growth... perhaps you wanna consider running a FR or add a bag of Phosphate removal media such as Aquapharm SORB4 or Rowaphos into your sump. One of the main problem to tackle to discourage algae growth is Phosphate.
  23. Love the sparkles on the Yellow Goby... such a waste you've given it away... does it play with the sand a lot?
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