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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Bro Chercm, actually the Internet Updating has already covered in the product review, but yes you are welcome to create a new thread since IMO the updating is crucial
  2. Well... of course it can be better... but overall I find the workmanship meet my expectations
  3. Dipped some of my Zoas in freshwater... a lot lesser Nudis than expected But killed 2 worms... can someone help ID the worm? Is it harmful to my corals?
  4. Saw a few specimens in CF yesterday... nice size also
  5. Yupe... but I will reconsider before locking my entire tank system
  6. Bro Teo... so far he is behaving well... hid behind my Tunze Stream last night
  7. Thanks Ian... our Gonio expert!!!
  8. Emm... looks like a box of crayons...
  9. Thanks! But my corals are beginning to fight for real estate... shown here is my Frogspawn violating my Green Gonio Pretty soon... this problem will be over
  10. Aquatonica owners... remember to do an internet update before you do your probe calibrations... there are updates for both the Control Unit and the PC Interface
  11. Blue Goniopora beginning to open up really slowly... I think there's hope for this specimen
  12. Wow... have not seen a reefer's tank with so many Yellowtail Damsels before... refreshing!
  13. A special shot of my bioballs compartment... some bros adviced me to clear them... but I've decided to make good use of them with care... that is to make sure my filter floss is well covered... avoiding wastes and goos reach the bioballs... generally I like the idea of having some extra bacteria cultivating areas
  14. This is a shot I am not particularly happy of... coz the pix revealed the messy sump below... I will start to look at tidying up the sump area once all my equipments are up You see that "DO NOT TOUCH" ball valve? If released... hell breaks loose It actually allows for a padlock... I think I will get myself some small padlocks to defend against itchy hands The last thing I want is Mrs. Murphy to pay me a visit
  15. A view of my external overflow box... I really like the overflow comb... and the dorso been slightly modified to ruduce noise (the hollow sound caused by gushing water) The right most black wire is actually the Aquatronica temperature probe Everything looks nice and proper... too bad I didn't build the tank... or else I WILL GET ALL THE CREDITS
  16. Here's how "moderate" my surface agitation looks like... well... decently sufficient for the time being... before I add in all my fancy Tunzes of course One thing to note is my Red Dragon 6,5m3 pump only consumes 65W... that's about $9.00 per month
  17. King is having a vacation in his palace by the sea... with the daugther of Sultan of Johore
  18. This little guy is actually quite tiny... smaller than my Blue Eye Anthias Oh he is so so adorable
  19. Today is truly a historic day... firstly got a chance to shop for fishies (have not been adding fish for months now)... met up with bro Jinhui for the first time... I am very very happy today Now here's my highlight of the day... influenced by bro Jem Must thank his tank video... before seeing his video... I have no interest in Trigger at all... but after looking at his video... I told myself I gotto get one... FAST!!! Sorry guys, the colour is a bit exaggerated by the flash
  20. Wow this is something very well thought of... I guess it depends on what kinda live sand you will be using ultimately... for my case, I dun suppose some packed Nature's Ocean Live Aragonite contains much critters... but if you are transferring live aragonite from some existing tank... yeah perhaps a gradual process will ensure the most out of all the goodness Do keep us posted bro... since your tank is not far behind than mine... we can still explore things together Oh and be it normal sand or aragonite... they will dissolve over time
  21. See... my tank has a healthy population of pods... new reefers planning to keep a Mandarin... once you spot a couple of these little beauties sneaking around in your tank... your tank is ready for a Mandarin
  22. Yes I will do that... perhaps a 20 sec video
  23. Nope... not yet... I am pretty busy these few days... I've arranged Steve to drop by this Thursday to install my TWIN TURBO
  24. The chiller is installed 3ft away from the main tank... the space between is reserved for Phase II... I purposely placed the chiller close to the attic ledge to get optimum air circulation as it will improve the chiller's efficiency especially during weekends
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