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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. sounds good... Yr shophouse looking office should be quite near my office
  2. Wah... dun upgrade my status leh I am just a reefer... nothing more nothing less But bro Piero, if you are looking for alternative products... do drop by my office... my tank shall be ready to accept visitors mid November
  3. Yeah... next Wednesday... I am still looking for my birthday present... I hope it will be a fish this year So he bought? am I meeting Sapp next Friday?
  4. My complete range of additives... Aquapharm and Grotech latest series of powder-form additives (more economical)... did major water tests just now: Salinity: 1.024 (Aquatronica) Temperature: 26ºC - 27ºC (Aquatronica & Arctica) pH: 8.0 - 8.2 (Aquatronica) Carbonate Hardness: 9ºkH (Tropic Marin) Ammonia: <0.25 ppm (Salifert) Nitrite: <0.05ppm (Tropic Marin) Nitrate: <1ppm (Tropic Marin & Salifert) Phosphate: 0 (Salifert) Calcium: 450 (Tropic Marin) Magnesium: 1425 (Tropic Marin) Look alright except for the slightly low Carbonate Hardness and the slightly high Nitrite. Will look into improving these 2 parameters once I return from my little birthday getaway
  5. Feeding my corals for the first time The 20000ºK MH is really blue
  6. Thanks!!! Now where's my Great Wall of China
  7. Can't show you guys any pix from the shipment as the corals are still under acclimatization... well... perhaps a pix of my delicious Blasto together with the newly introduced (from home) Orange Linckia will ease the suspense a little I will be away for the weekend to celebrate my birthday with my parents... so will see you guys on Sunday For those thinking about breaking into my office during the weekend... dun
  8. Wait lah... still acclimatizing them... ok here are the contents
  9. Haha... actually bro Piero... all my female designers love the tank so much... they will scream (in a sensual manner) whenever they spot something new
  10. Boss: So free got time to gossip about the boss? You all want early retirement?
  11. It's here!!! 2 1/2 hours earlier than expected... let me open it up now Paging for David... your corals have landed... please collect it before 12pm before they go to online auction
  12. Less than 12 hours to go... Jervis' & David's Shipment...
  13. Wow... hammy is SRC's chiller expert now... what's the Resun equivalent of my 1/3hp Arctica and what's the power consumption?
  14. View from the Side Panel... still considering whether to add more rocks or just leave it as it is for the time being... kinda like the empty sand bed actually
  15. All the best to you brother... that's a right decision IMO
  16. I know... I still have some corals at Holding Tank... probably will sell away some of my corals pretty soon... dun worry... TCC members pre-sale first
  17. Oh... thanks for adding $10 to my bill bro Hammy
  18. My new Maxima... still in AM's display tank... will collect it next week I will call it Claudia (for Cloudy)
  19. Thanks bro... Here's a pix of my lovely pair... named Steve & Jes They tend to hide in one corner... I seriously need to find them a comfortable home soon
  20. AM Hawaiian Shipment arrived 30 minutes ago... spotted a very nice "cute" size KING ANGEL!!! Nice Flame Angels too... very RED!!!
  21. My Bi-colour Prata... hours after introduction... looks like the base of a tree trunk
  22. Here's how my FoxFace looks like in a defensive mode... cool! Fox Face (Lo Vulpinus) Courtesy of Liveaquaria.com
  23. Re-position some of my corals this morning... grouped my lovely Gonios together... the FoxFish is checking them out
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