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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Luckily no LS is affected by the 2hr power trip Added some LR from decom'd home tank and moved some corals around... notably the 2 pratas
  2. Shocking!!! Due to the heavy rain (and lightning strikes)... I found my tank pitch dark and quiet today... POWER TRIP!!! Luckily I went back office on time... 2 hrs very minimal damage... I need to find a solution to this FATAL problem ASAP
  3. Yeah I will call her today... hopefully she will pick up a marine tank also
  4. I can't... too busy decomming my Home Tank now
  5. Try to make the best out of it... Percula 90's legacy... right bucket goes to my office tank... left to Hammy's... all remaining goes to Jem's new FOWLR!!! Sand will go to Jem too Zoas and etc. will go to JH All fish sold to TCC members. I will post for equipments, lightset, tank & etc. soon
  6. Guys... final update... wow what a wonderful journey... In the process of decomming now... start with rocks
  7. Wow... I am speechless bro... what SUPER DUPER kind words Not all is well though... see my Nemos destroying my Gonios
  8. Actually most of my fishies are very stressed up by the gang... they can somehow sense our presence I believe... most of my fishies shown sign of abnormal behaviour... for example for a while my Mystery Wrasse turned aggressive and territorial... Fox Face hiding in defensive mode... I didn't know it can impact the tank so much
  9. Thanks bro J for this cute little Pink Digitata frag My first SPS frag By the time I switch off the light... a little bit of polyps extension can be seen Bro J & J also bought me 2 BE Anthias to complete my collection Thanks bro D for the Great Wall of China
  10. Just came home from TCC's first ever gathering... here are some of our die-hard members
  11. Finally manage to find my Zanzibar Boxing Shrimp The body is purple in colour
  12. My old T.Crocea... opening up nicely next to my Alveopora
  13. My Choco Chip and Green Maneater Zoas... open up so much larger compared to my home tank
  14. Cute little fellas... very small from Hawaii... grazing my shell bed... I am thinking of adding a bunch of these as they always stay on the shell bed... perfect cleaner
  15. Haha... you guys are so funny Here's a video of my fishies eating... frozen brine shrimp
  16. I have no experience with this nice angel... but do more research before you release it into the main tank
  17. Yes that will suffice... and also add much needed oxygen into the curing tank
  18. Yes 2 weeks with pumps is sufficient... if possible, I suggest you run a simple protein skimmer and a FR (phosphat remover)... this is the proper way to handle LR btw Maybe try to lay some traps too... to catch mantis and crabs
  19. Yes get it changed... IMO bubbles on glass (especially front panel) is unacceptable... I'm sure your tank maker will take up the responsibility It's as bad as buying a LCD TV to find dead pixels on it
  20. Wah you all... so sad leh... ok here's my final FTS before it is being rip-apart by pirates
  21. Sorry guys... my locksmith will come install padlocks to both my hood and sump cabinet today Prevention is so much better than cure... agree?
  22. Aiya... I just sold mine to a TCC member
  23. The only info I got is this hybrid is part of the Hawaiian shipment... they also mentioned this is the first time they receive this hybrid Black Tang and only got 2 specimens... but in the receipt, it was printed as Zebrasoma Rostratum (which is Black Tang)
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