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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. I rotated my ATI BM today to achieve a better flow which I believe will increase the efficiency of the protein skimmer The ATI BM will draw water from the left (via Eheim pump)... output on the right (towards DSB and Bubble Counter Sponge)... so the flow will follow the direction of my filtration system. But this will mean slightly harder to maintain the skimmer as the collection cup is further away I believe the pros outweighs the cons
  2. Someone told me Jess looks like me... got meh? Went to my favourite LFS this morning and bought some Pink/White Tube Worms to beautify my DSB
  3. In a way probably... but if you wanna go FULL SPS... probably this is something to worth considering... alternatively you can replace the 6100 with 6000
  4. Here's my Picture of the Week Wow... the details
  5. Big enough for the two of us? So glad to see Steve and Jess finally hosting the Anemone... now that's a nice king size bed... filled with water
  6. A nice piece of Red/Pink Gonio
  7. Nothing too fantastic I suppose... this is one of the frags I imported from the US.
  8. Yes PP... I'm even considering getting a sofa bed for the office
  9. I suspect your Specific Gravity (Salinity) is off the chart
  10. So far... things still look pretty optimistic... I've been keeping my fishes well fed... that means gotto go office 7 days a week
  11. Here's a small colony of US Zoas... not that impressive actually... but the green glows
  12. My Black Cap... whacked by my Trigger (home tank)... is active and recovering... look at the torn tail and fins Bro Chercm... now you know why I can't sell you this specimen
  13. Introduced 2 ###### Shrimps (medium to large size) yesterday... both are still around They are so cute... I plan to keep a colony of them in my future refugium
  14. Mine very "notshy" Very happy today... manage to lower my temporary MH fixture by more than 1/2ft Barely fits into my hood
  15. I believe that model also doesn't come with a probe holder
  16. So sorry Dominik... next time we go buy an Algae Blenny ok?
  17. Wow the Lionfish looks so natural in the pix... like taken from the sea floor
  18. Still some items left... check it out!!!
  19. Haha... that video was shot with both my Streams in feeding mode Here's a cute shot of my Algae Blenny
  20. Yes reducing the flow can improve significantly... that's the only way to get 0ppm for my DI unit nowadays Bro Hammy... a pico CR?
  21. Emm... I was told by another reefer that model doesn't come with an integrated probe holder
  22. With your 3 x 3 x 2 configuration... may I suggest the following: Multicontroller 7095 Back left: Stream 6100 Back right: Stream 6100 Front left: Nanostream 6055 Front right: Nanostream 6055
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