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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Wow bro Tim... that sounds like an easy question... but kinda hard to answer actually... let me figure out how to share the information in a sensible way... will get back to you tomorrow ok?
  2. Here's the outcome of a steady shot... using a tripod and a remote controller Moved this frag of Purple Montipora Digitata higher as it was previously placed lower... I hope it will open up more in days to come... or else bro Sapp will kill me
  3. Actually the upgrading is primarily due to the major shift in direction... from an LPS tank to a full scale SPS setup... skimmer... CR... lighting... they do require a different set of equipments... husbandry and knowledge too
  4. And here's a proof of how reefing has gotten out of hand... seems like everything evolves around reefing nowadays It even help determines my travel/holiday destinations
  5. Went to AM again... did some exercise... lifting my skimmer up... down... left... right... 14.5kg without water... part of the sump design procedure
  6. Bro PP... cannot... it will be part of my 200+ Litres Sump #2
  7. Bro Tim... that acrylic tank is Made In Taiwan
  8. PP don't be easy... I wanna see Percula 90 filled with sand and water!!!!
  9. WAH!!! KEEP IT EMPTY!!! Setup another much larger tank... a 12ft?
  10. Nope bro Godzilla... they are purely DI water premixed with Grotech Mineral Pro (1/2 recommended dose)... to add back some filtered elements into the DI water As for the Salt Mix chamber... I was just finalizing some details with Steve... will be introducing that feature as part of Phase II... expecting in 2 weeks... a chamber so large that can hold 20% of my tank volume at any given time
  11. Sorry guys I can't find a measuring tape at home... will bring the tank to the office tomorrow Some uncollected items are now back on sale http://web.mac.com/jervis.mun/iWeb/OFFICE_...arketplace.html
  12. Here's how my DI water TOP UP SYSTEM works... fully automated by Aquatronica... will install another Water Level sensor inside the Top Up Chamber to alert me when I run out of DI water
  13. My ATI BM is so smelly nowadays... a bro suggested I put a bag of activated carbon near my skimmer I dunno if it is mind-trick... the smell does go away
  14. Bro... I followed your advice... striped it almost "botak" this morning... then use superglue to colonize another rock I am now running the refugium lighting opposite of my main tank lighting
  15. Yeah must thank you all for your support And I will hit 50000 views in a day or two
  16. Heat? Emm... I will say almost non-existent... still a bit skeptical on this product... will test it out for a few more days Btw... my fishies found the cleaning cavern... on the left side of the tank... introduced 2 Skunk Shrimps yesterday
  17. My Montipora Digitata is finally showing polyp extension that I am happy with... but the colouration may require better quality water condition... will work towards that
  18. Zoas are opening up alright this morning Will monitor for 2 more days
  19. Wah bro... so happy to hear that... I think it's the GST spike lah
  20. Haha... I will keep a look out for you ok? I am good at spotting F-Cups
  21. Yeah mangroves are very effective... but i do not have sufficient height... so will just stick with horizontal growth... as for the LED... the bulbs were spec at 6000ºK to 8000ºK... so should be quite alright... let's wait and see
  22. Don't rush bro... just progress slowly... or else... you will be put in a position... "you choose, tank or me?"
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