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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Wow!!! The same RARE Monti Digi that only came in 6 pieces that last time round... very healthy I must say... here's a pix of it inside my relatively new tank
  2. Nice shot of a nice fat YT... keep up the pace... more beautiful pix to come...
  3. Yeah looks like it is gonna kick-in in Day #1
  4. Bro Hammy is busy with his exams... I heard... the exam is going to over very very soon... All the best to your last paper/s!!!
  5. Bro... I share your sentiments... life used to be much less stress with LPS
  6. That tiny Tomato is so cute Does it host any anemone?
  7. Wow Chercm... you are one of the firsts to own a new generation ATI BM... mind if I drop by your house?
  8. Actually, some reefers never feed their Pratas... but I prefer to feed them small pieces of market shrimp once a week... they love it!
  9. Well for a start, you need to ensure the following: 1) Salinity 1.022 to 1.025 2) Ammonia = <0.25ppm (best is zero) 3) Nitrite = <0.05ppm (best is zero) 4) Nitrate = <10ppm (best is zero) 6) pH = 8.0 to 8.3 You can also check your KH (Carbonat Hardness) = 8ºkH to 10ºkH as a stable KH will ensure stable pH too. Without a chiller, do take note of your highest temperature of the day and lower temperature of the day. The smaller the fluctuation within a day, the better. If you are just going FOWLR... 30ºC is still acceptable for most fishes although it is a little too close to the borderline. All the best bro!!!
  10. With you sump design and a HNS skimmer... dun think you will have difficulty keeping most of the popular LS... as long as the parameters are optimum... you can start with some hardy fishes already
  11. Emm... the tank looks great without the hood... love the sleekness of it... what's your LS plan bro? Any concept yet?
  12. Bro Jacobus... yes a tripod will definitely help... if you are to invest in a remote control even better Here's a macro of my Monti Digi... so far the best looking polyp extension... after I feed them with Roti-feast... I just wish the colour will someday returns
  13. Give up on your current tank so that can start a larger tank izzit?
  14. How long has your Firefish been with you? Luckily you do now have any aggressive fish in your tank... or it may jump out That every hungry coral is a Prata... now that name makes me hungry too
  15. Bro how's ur overhaul coming along... I'm sure you tank will be filled back to its former glory very soon Yeah those close up shots are nice... much better than what our ###### eye can see... especially with the MH shimmering effect
  16. Oh dear... this is the first time I come across Prata stinging Prata... Do you have a close up pix of the "white string"?
  17. Wow a cute looking Prata... the smallest I've ever seen... can show us how it looks like under daylight?
  18. Here's a Side Tank View... you can see my SPS placements... and can you find my Cleaning Cavern?
  19. Yupe it will be impossible to move it once it is filled up... that's why the Hydor Performer 3000 comes with a release valve to empty the chamber... at least they thought of that
  20. Luckily glass tanks are quite cheap... and since it is meant to be empty anyway... go with the thinnest glass available lor
  21. Rainbow Monti... still looking good in terms of colouration... it is encrusting its base aggressively... hopefully it will continue to thrive
  22. My Pseudo-Superman Monti... unfortunately looking more like a Brown/Maroon Monti... there are so much to learn Don't you think the background is so much more lively?
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