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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Yours look so much like a planted tank!!! Just need to add some Neon Tetras You wanna try breeding Cleaner Shrimps? I will try that in my refugium
  2. But LR will also convert the organic wastes to ammonia before the water reaches the skimmer... or just leave it empty for the time being until there's a need to fill it up later
  3. Bro... I afraid hor... your refugium nicer than your main tank later It is looking like a main tank really... nice I will start my refugium this weekend...
  4. PP I think the pressure is mounting... just post a FTS will ya?
  5. Emm... I think the amount of filter sponge I currently have is quite sufficient... in fact I am trying to remove it totally... but... thanks for the suggestion bro
  6. Finally removed all my bioballs today... with the Hydor Performer 3000... I think it will be beneficial to let the organic wastes stay within the water column a little longer Will also limit the amount of LR (or artificial rocks) within Sump No.1... same reason... will try to delay the process of converting organic wastes & etc. ---> Ammonia Will monitor the splashes for another day or two... if it doesn't create too much noise and microbubbles... will remain that way... it's a good way to increase dissolved oxygen anyway Any bros can suggest me what to do to the ex-bioballs chamber? (That piece of egg-crate can be removed)
  7. After a long and stressful day... nothing beats a nice glass of
  8. Zoas? Emm... it does look like it in terms of its form... but Zoas doesn't grow like that within a rock... it doesn't pop up in single polyp here and there... doesn't look like a conventional zoas colony to me
  9. Thanks bro... I will wait for your pix Me? Old? Yes... Ric Specialist? Err... that I'm not sure... Good buddy? Well, I do have a few... and I always say good things in others threads... we all need motivations from each other to continue on with the hobby... don't you agree? Me posting where? I usually only take notice of those threads within the Top 10 list... I don't usually visit/comment on idle threads No point commenting on decom'd or failed tanks also
  10. Yupe sis... give it another month or so... can't even tell the difference even up close
  11. It took exactly 72 hours (during kick-in) to produce this amount of thick skimmate... I shall do another comparison in 3 days time
  12. Ok... the smell is too unbearable... Gotto do something about it... the pix was taken with all 3 foaming pumps switched off
  13. Bro Melvyn Tan... can post a pix of your running ATI CR here? I wanna see how much you fill up your media... thanks Who rics seller? Got such person?
  14. Actually I think you should already post a FTS by now... PIX!!!
  15. Your eyes are extremely sharp... "like that also can see"? Actually Master Steve helped me to drill a hole through it and fitted it with a holder suitable for Aquatronica pH probe... what's the model no. of this CR and how you find it? Do share your experiences
  16. Here's my Red/Pink Monti... polyps are extending more than ever... it is definitely very very encouraging for me seeing it grows, extends and improves in colouration... little things like this is all it takes to make life beautiful
  17. Unfortunately... my new refugium layout was rather short-lived Gotto put my new CR into Sump no.1 temporarily while I find it a permanent location ATI Calcium Reactor... my tank maker specially indent in for me as I've came across some positive reviews at some German forums Will be firing it up by end of this week... with the help of Master Steve of course
  18. The picture I posted earlier shows a separate chamber for most of the bubbles to settle... the water column will then move through the bottom, which is around 24" below... into the main chamber of sump no.2... the water will then travel to sump no.1 throught a durso to reduce additional bubbles (and sound)... the water that is being discharged to sump no.1 contains very little microbubbles... the water then travels to the right... through 3" of black sponge... before reaching the return pump As mentioned before... may not be the best design... as the original sump was not designed for this skimmer... but hey... I am happy with my crystal clear tank water
  19. Here's how it looks like among my other rocks Let the seeding process begins... IMHO, this product... although costly (comparable to the most expensive LR in town, by size, not by weight)... it does have its advantages... here are just a few to share with you guys: 1) No hitchikers 2) Easy to transport... no sweat... no stress... you can even leave it at home for weeks while deciding what to do with it No more bringing a few pails around like a mad man 3) Comes in various sizes and shapes... I saw a large piece that will fit very nicely into a 2ft tank... no scaping needed 3ft version is available also The most expensive piece in the price list is $180 4) A few pieces offer very flat surface... perfect for putting corals especially SPS 5) etc... will let you guys discover the rest Dun wanna take all the fun away Pls dun PM me for price list... thanks
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