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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Inspector Gadget? Emm... you revealed your age Yeah... suppose to have a gathering this month before Xmas... but... but... but... Jan 07... and you shall be guest of honour
  2. For those of you wondering how the Grotech Dosing Pump works... here's a video showing it in action... releasing 2.5ml of Grotech Corall A into my main sump
  3. Wow... I can see a hobbywide revival of SUNS!!!
  4. Well although I have not done it before... bro Vandeam if you really can't find good homes for your prata... I shall make my sump no.1 available for this purpose
  5. Take special care of the Moorish Idol bro... it is very very nice
  6. I didn't know they are interlinked... amazing discovery
  7. i believe some reefers flood their tank with food... perhaps u wanna try fully feed ur fishes first... then target feed the sunnies
  8. Bro Vandeam... u seems to have a few pieces of injured corals... all the best to you nursing them back to health
  9. Yes... the refugium is very very stunning... and you have very tall dog
  10. Err... whatever it is... can also share with me?
  11. Yes!!! And you will get the award for January 2007 Here's another video showing some of my fishies... towards the end... you can see how dominating the morphing Male BE Anthias can be He is against women's rights I think
  12. Hehe... ask around Here's a cute video of my Black Tang... been recovering from white spots... growing tremendously in size... and loves current surfing
  13. They don't call me Gadget Man for nothing How do you like it so far?
  14. TOTM? I prefer DPMOTM Seriously... have not ever thought about that As for your Kitty... wow Luckily I am only into reefing... my one and only hobby
  15. A very good coverage on Suns... not as HOT as a couple of months back though
  16. Dog... stop talking about the cat lah... can talk about my fish or not?
  17. According to sources... as early as mid next week
  18. But I personallly think both Hydor Koralia and Tunze Nanostream being almost the same in terms of design, capability and pricing... I think it's a matter of preference and availability in the end... at least we don't have to wait for months to add another nanostream into our tank More choices are always good Bro Hammy, do visit this thread... I'm sure you can contribute a lot to this topic since you are the target audience http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...15entry621743
  19. Yeah I used to clean the MCE600 cup daily too... no choice lah About the Hydor Koralia... I personally would like it to be manually rotateable... auto 360ยบ rotation can be very annoying... that's where you will loose control of the water current making it so much harder to place your LPS and softies... probably that's the reason why there isn't such a product in the market yet
  20. Wow!!! Finally some pix from Underwater World... I love that Moorish Idol in a mix reef tank... now why can't we keep it?
  21. 6 BEs!!! You better dun go for a week long holiday or not cup will overflow Any sign of morphing male yet? And yes... I know who bought you the Flame Angel
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