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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Must thank bro PP for a job well done Just need to clean the glass, change the filter floss and do some tests later
  2. Now since when one needs a deep pocket to update often? Don't be lazy... excuses
  3. My mistake... 1280ml... bro BFG is still the closest... will PM the winner soon
  4. Can't sleep... reached office at 6.30am this morning... everything seems alright... except for the
  5. Bro BFG is the winner!!! 1180ml of semi-thick skimmate
  6. The competition is now officially closed
  7. Main highlight of my tour... SNOWFLAKE!!! 2 pieces available selling at GBP179.90 per piece It's amazing being able to see it with my own eyes Sorry, last shot... I was caught after taking this shot
  8. Sorry for the poor quality shots... I need a spy cam
  9. Basically most LS selling at 1-to-1... that is S$1.00 in Singapore = GBP1.00 in London In other words... a fish costs around 3 times more expensive in London Equipments are slightly more expensive than Sg after conversion... bearing in mind they have to pay more than 15% VAT
  10. To be announced in 6 hours time Found a LFS in Central London... unfortunately they were closing Manage to 'steal' a few shots before I was caught red-handed
  11. Haha... will announce the result 3rd Jan, 11am. Any submissions can still come in
  12. Another exciting setup... all the best
  13. Hehe... those are known as Sand Dollars... great sand sifters and scavengers
  14. All those coralline growth looking very promising... do check your Ca too
  15. It's algae outbreak (aka diatom bloom)... common for new tanks especially during the first 2 months... watch your PO4 and other nutrients... ensure good water circulation... do not overfeed... those 'brown' thing will be gone within weeks
  16. Hehe... dun hope... make it happen
  17. You are the most patient newbie I've ever come across... you sure you not gonna get that pair of True Perc this weekend?
  18. Emm... I got a feeling he was either stranded on a remote island or return flight got delayed 100 hours
  19. Ok... 2007 most potential tank in the making... keep it up!!!
  20. Good luck to you guys... i am in the airport now... hohohoh
  21. Haha... seems like your refugium is getting more and more exciting... I think i will build another refugium after I return from my holiday
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