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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Been doing some experiment with my DSLR... thanks to the book I bought from Page One (Vivo City) titled: The Essential Underwater Photography Manual by Denise Nielsen and Larry Tackett Let me share with you guys BASIC #1 In order to get sharper image through a wider depth of field, you can set your camera to higher aperture (represented by f). I took 3 pictures of my SPS using a tripod and remote (without flash). Here's the first pix, having an aperture f 5.6... as you can see, part of the SPS is blurred Insufficient depth of field
  2. Well... yeah slightly more than that... but... but... but... ok I dunno what to say
  3. The tank really looks wonderful... making me wanna start a new project soon
  4. Should be alright as long as you have sufficient blue tubes to balance... the ATI Blue Plus offers very good balancing power You have 10 tubes to play with anyway
  5. Welcome to the DOSING CLUB The KH will be consumed along the way... you will have to find ways to replenish it at least every other day... Tank looking great
  6. you guys have many many hobbies... and all expensive ones
  7. Remember to bring your pink gloves
  8. Come on... You wanna add... running a 150W MH in my sump?
  9. Yes, the Grotech dosing pump controls the following: 1) Firstly, you gotto select the intended dosing volume in ml, 1ml - 9999ml. 2) Then, select the intervals within a day, for a large quantity such as 100ml, dosing 4 times a day is good. The computer will divide the dosing amount accordingly. 3) Lastly, select timing. You just have to select the starting time, say 12:00pm. With 4 intervals a day, the computer will calculate for you automatically, meaning it will dose at 12:00pm, 6:00pm, 12am and 6am... in equal dosing amount. Another smart feature is, there will never be an overlapping to dosing, meaning 2 elements dosing at the same time. The computer will shift it to the next 5 mins if overlapping occurs... hehe
  10. For the KH+Ca1 and KH+Ca2... due to my high consumption... I gotto dose 100ml each daily, that means a 1L bottle can only last me 10 days Setting up a CR is inevitable For the rest of the elements... based on a 700L tank dosing... 10ml daily, that means a 500ml bottle can last me 50 days... not too bad actually
  11. Emm... it really depends on the tank requirements and the LS I am keeping... (refer next posting)
  12. Hydor Koralia 1... placed inside my refugium... to generate some extra water movement... from the picture you can see that the K1 offers wide spread current (not focus like a conventional powerhead) and it is good for a distance of 1ft to 1 1/2ft. Anything beyond that is quite a stretch IMO... so only suitable for small nano tanks not exceeding 2ft... and the operation is totally silent
  13. Lucky u said 2 hands... if not I will ask you left hand or right hand
  14. You running any Blue or Actinic tubes? Some claim that it helps coralline algae growth too But beware... once they start to grow like wildfire... you will grow to hate them
  15. Another crucial benefit is... both medias come in different granule size and weight... so by putting them into a single chamber... u will find it harder to make both the media "dance"... most probably you will get the PO4 remover media at the surface "dancing" (coz they are usually lighter and finer) and the carbon will sink to the bottom
  16. Since you will be thinking about it... may I add... running dual chambers have the following benefits: 1) Carbon and PO4 remover require different flow rate... carbon should have higher flow through its chamber... so separate chambers with separate valve will allow you to control them separately. 2) Carbon and PO4 remover wear-out at different rate... carbon requires more frequent replacement. Hehe... I think you got your answer already
  17. Here's my daily dosing regimen: Channel 1: kH + Ca 1 The solution for a quick increase of the carbonate hardness. The infeed of 50ml kH + Ca 1 increases the carbonate hardness by 2°kH with 100 l water. The ideal value is abt. 10° kH. The kH-value reflects the pH-buffer volume of the water. In case of a too low kH-value, there will be the danger of a pH-drop. Channel 2: kH + Ca 2 The solution for a quick increase of the Calcium contents. 10ml kH+Ca 2 contains 200 mg immediately available Calcium. The ideal Ca-content of the ocean is between 400 - 450 mg/Liter. Please add kH+Ca 2 only in connection with the same quantity of kH+Ca 1 to the aquarium. Channel 3: Vitamines and Amino acids Consisting of 11 Vitamines and 20 Amino acids. Vitamines and Amino acids are essential for fishes and invertebrates. Amino acids cannot be built by an organism itself, but have to be continuously fed from outside. Channel 4: Corall A contains Strontium, Magnesium, Barium, Lithium ... Channel 5: Corall B contains Magnesium, Iron, Chrome, Mangan, Nickel, Kobalt, Copper ... Channel 6: Corall C contains Fluor, Iodine, Bor, Molybdenum ... Channel 7: Nil Will stop kH + Ca 1 & 2 once my CR is up and running This basically covers everything... no more manual dosing is required... will try to get AM to bring in all the additives in larger bottles... I am definitely getting lazier
  18. Hehe... a bit lazy to start another product review... well let me think about it can? Finally... completed my Dosing Hub... 7 channels in total... quite an amazing sight
  19. Gonna be a busy day... gotto reinstall my dosing hub... add in WAVES!!! and continue to bring up my Calcium... updates tonight
  20. Anyone spotted any relatively large pieces of Plating Monti... Green and Orange preferred...
  21. Hehe... at least I can get more motivation right now
  22. Well... will have 6" of slightly darker area all round... especially at the top... it depends on the scaping bro Y will end up having
  23. Yeah... a project as huge and as experimental as yours will bound to have some hiccups here and there... and you are quite a perfectionist All the best to your FIXING day
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