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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Looking forward to your thread... this is a funny timing actually... just as the NANO flame is dying... here comes all the long awaited nano-specific toys
  2. The heart of my setup... Tunze Nano Reefpack 200... I ordered from Germany direct last year The Reefpack 200 consists of: 1) Nano DOC Skimmer 9002 with a 150-liters (39USgal.) air output 2) Nano Cleaner with a pump (800l/h/211USgal./h) FOR TANK: 40 to 200 litres (10 to 52USgal.) POWER CONSUMPTION: 20W in total
  3. Something new and mysterious... Project ######
  4. Wah... like that U-tube video?
  5. Emm... kinda sick of Zoas... wanna try something new I believe LS selection is heavily dependent on the water temperature... been 24ºC to 25ºC during office hours today (due to raining outside)... will monitor closely tomorrow with all equipments and light running This digital temperature is from my main tank
  6. It's a common 1 1/2ft light for freshwater fish tanks
  7. Thanks bro Bluezing for the kind support... Let me reveal my old PL light... 27W 7200K PL
  8. Hello My latest project... since I've collected a few pieces of equipments suitable for a nano setup these couple of months... might as well set one up for real Start with a $20 plexiglass tank... footprint 16" x 9.5" Placed on my office work desk... double as a working lamp now I have not decided what to keep... any ideas guys?
  9. I have not seen a Nano Remora before... but MCE 300 is IMO a little too large for your 1ft nano tank... how often do you plan to do water change? And what kinda fish you intend to keep? If you plan to do water change weekly and keep your stock level low... you may not need a protein skimmer... coz do bear in mind all these fancy equipments will add heat to your already tiny amount of water All the best!
  10. Agreed... I removed my bioballs 2 months ago too... with an effective skimmer, you should let the organic wastes stay in the water column slightly longer to allow it to be extracted by the skimmer... instead of letting your coral chips (by the aerobic bacterias residing within) convert them to ammonia too soon
  11. Hi there... that was the very old Solite MH I started my home tank with... I used that for 3 months then upgraded (or should I say downgraded) to ATI Powermodule As for your PO4, as suggested by bro Piero... running a sizeable FR is the best... you can choose one of the many brands of PO4 removal media out there in the market
  12. Hehe... I think they loan for tank setup too
  13. Looking at your mega rock... are the coralline algae growing or receding? Nice piece with a huge cave... ur fishes and cleaner shrimps will love it
  14. Hehe... it's a birth defect lah No it is definitely not normal... that's why she sometimes swims with her head facing down... especially when she's at home
  15. Good news... I think my tank is getting cleaner already... the cup was cleared and washed 24 hours ago... I guess this is the first time I am actually glad to see less skimmate
  16. Say something lah... always speechless Here's a piece of Plating Monti I gotten from a reefer 1 month ago.. started to encrust my LR already... and the colour is improving by the day
  17. Not the software... those were 3 different shots
  18. This was how Jes looks like on the 28th Nov 2006... I somehow suspect the anemone plays a part as it really makes the pair feels more comfortable and at home
  19. Here's Jes... looking so BLACK nowadays... refer to next pix for a before and after comparison
  20. Time to reveal my lovely unique Nemo pair... Steve and Jes Moved the anemone to the front of the tank (my ex F.Rics area) as I love to see my Nemos having fun Just the sight of it... make the risk of keeping anemone well worth
  21. I think you got a good mix there... As for the effect... it very much depending on your ballasts/switches configurations... is yours 4 + 3 + 3?
  22. My third attempt at f 16 gives a better overall picture... good depth of field (entire colony is focus) and fast enough shutter speed to freeze the swaying polyp extensions I will continue to do more experiments and hopefully can share with you guys in the coming days (and weeks)
  23. On the other extreme, I set my aperture to f 36... now the entire SPS colony is in focus... except for one problem, the slow shutter speed is too slow at 1 sec (to balance the f 36)... so the polyp extensions were blurred... not desirable
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