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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Some new SPS colonies... and my Black Tang already feasting on the algae that came with the base rocks
  2. Yupe... that's a Clown Goby (Green)... less than 1cm in length
  3. Moved the Anemone to the right most corner to avoid the strong current... don't you just love the 3 of them?
  4. Where else? I only buy fish from 1 place
  5. I shall end my update tonight with a cute video... oh I love this guy
  6. Tungku from Malaysia Surprisingly opening quite well... although used to opened up wider in the main tank
  7. Time to introduce some of the lucky Zoas that got transfered to Africa Here's the Ambassador of Tanzania
  8. Can't lah... that will leave me with a 8" Pico tank
  9. Despite the warm temperature... my Bi-colour Blenny is looking healty
  10. Moved the Koralia 1 to the left side to free up the main display area... 29ÂșC
  11. Did some major work today... rescaped (added a few LR from my sump no.1)... removed the background paper... the tank looks so much more spacious now
  12. Yes that's Eagle Eyes... the one with the green ring
  13. Nope... Eagle Eyes look slightly different
  14. I believe so... just got to order in advance
  15. Last pix of the day... my Hydor Koralia 2... helping me keep the left back corner of my tank free from detritus build-up
  16. Rics corner... I still have a few smaller polyps in the refugium
  17. This is my favourite colony of Zoas... I believe is it called Sunflower
  18. Moved all 3 clams back to the main tank The coralline algae on the background is nice too
  19. Bought a simple 24W PL (1 1/2ft) fixture for my Chaeto Farm... will remain on for 24/7 I've moved some rocks and Zoas to my nano... the 3 Clams back to the main tank... I think my Sump no.1 is ready to be fully colonized by Chaeto
  20. White ah... like bleached I don't mind purple, pink, yellow, orange and light blue though
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