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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Looking much better bro!!! Well done... I like the cave (side view)
  2. Here's a weeks worth... perhaps I should introduce 1 or 2 more small fish this weekend... the wastes generated by my LS are way too low to really see the performance of the skimmer
  3. Update time... let's take a look at the skimmer... decent enough for a nano tank I guess
  4. Oh dear... my Coco Worm is looking very angry
  5. For bro Alex's tank... very HUGE budget... looking at 100kg worth of Fiji (lightweight) live rocks... that's emm... 30 blue notes
  6. Wah bro Zorden!!! Where have you been? Miss you lah I already (more or less) know what the true colour will look like... crystal white That's what Coralvue Reeflux 12000K is known for
  7. I think it's illegal to collect large pieces of LR from the coasts of Singapore Unless with the proper paper-work Bro, the best super large LR I've seen so far are those from Coral Farm... do drop by and you shall not be disappointed... but it might take a lot of money to fill up your giant tank with Fiji rock alone
  8. The MH bulb... it will require around 100 hours of running to warm up... to show its actual crystal white colour... currently slightly pinkish white Will post some pix with the MH alone tomorrow
  9. I know... that's the thing about keeping expensive/rare/exotic specimens... the risk is high... but the reward can be great too... cannot find the body... already did a search when I return from my holiday
  10. Gotten this piece from bro Sapp... very nice Yellow/Green Acropora... since bro Sapp told me this guy does slime a bit... I suspect it is Acropora Yongei... longest SPS in my tank with THICK LONG yellow branches The flower-shaped polyps are lime green in colour I believe the polyps can be extended further... one more week
  11. It is still MIA bro... I have already prepared for the worst liao Will stop introducing fish for the coming weeks...
  12. One step closer to my dream... in fact these 2 large pieces of plating Montiporas... I suspect the green specimen is Montipora Capricornis and the maroon/red specimen is Montipora Foliosa (whorling)... will go collect 2 more frags from bro Fishtalk this week Hopefully I can have my plating Monti paradise one year later Looking for other colour variants though
  13. I bought this piece from a LFS less than a week ago... wild harvested specimen... can't be sure what variant of Acropora Perhaps bros/sis can help me ID this nice piece... branches are lime green with lime green polyps... can see some growth (white tips) Polyps extension mediocre... will monitor it for a couple of days more
  14. Finally I have to courage to post some pix of my SPS colonies/frags Let's start with this piece... I purchased this Acropora about a month ago, it was light tan in color with pale purple tips. The tissue within the branches has a purplish/bluish tinge to it, and tiny brown polyps are visible. It is about 4" all round Growth was minimal under my old light fixture This Acropora has been refusing to extend its polyps for the past 2 weeks... luckily it reacted positively to my new lighting
  15. Latest FTS... a little too bluish as the 6 x ATI Blue Plus are simply too powerful... will replace 2 of the tubes to Aquablue Spezial to help promote better growth Will spend the next 2 weeks finalizing coral placements, wavemaker placements and possible new SPS colonies What do you guys think of the colouration? Note that the Coralvue Reeflux 12000K MH tubes will take around 100 hours to show actual colouration... that will be next week
  16. I am looking for an Ice Probe to test out... anyone?
  17. Wah lucky guy... plenty of discounted sushis then... I'm hungry too
  18. Haha... just kidding lah... u probably gotto wait 1 year for my tank to be anywhere ready to fragging... by then it's about time lor
  19. Well... it depends how many tubes in total and what kinda tubes you intend to use... they all play a part... and what kinda Tridacna you planning to keep? They do have slightly different lighting requirements
  20. No leh... I think you've posted it at the right thread... as intended
  21. yup.. lighting is provided by 4x39W T5 HO. using 2 X ATI AquaBLue and 2 X stock White light....
  22. Personally I think your scaping will look greater with more larger pieces of LR... currently they are a little too tiny for your tank... unless you plan to cover every inch of it with Gems
  23. Wow!!! Gonna be a really wonderful looking tank... do keep some schooling fishes... a tank this long allows them the opportunity to display their schooling behaviour Love the Tunze Stream compartment
  24. This shows that when one's determined... one can do anything... I think it's time I embark on some DIY projects too Keep it up bro!
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