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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. I gotto go pick up something from bro Fishtalk tomorrow morning... then to Pasir Ris... if u guys can make it... let's meet there
  2. Thanks sis... never really notice it much lately as I've been focusing all my energy on SPS... will try to find it a more suitable location (if required)
  3. Another piece of 'undecided' Acropora... brown/lime green branches... the base encrusting looks good but the polyps extension are not fantastic I think I currently have too many GREEN (brown ) SPS... will try to explore other colours
  4. My Helfrichi Fire Goby... can see some torn fins... can't seem to figure out the cause though... could it be the Zanzibar Boxing Shrimp attacking at night? But the shrimp is relatively small and shy... smaller than my Cheaner Shrimps
  5. Yes will pop by ur place tomorrow morning... gotto sleep early tonight or else That piece of Blasto been with me since my Percula90 days... unfortunately one of the mouth died off... used to more pretty... maybe I should relocate it a little
  6. Hehe... thanks to the new Grotech lighting... the DSLR... and a bit of photo editing lah But one of your piece got Purple Rim right? That's something I've been looking for
  7. This is a problematic piece... bought from a SPS Clearance Sale... the colour was undecided (even at the LFS' tank)... mostly brown with a tinge of green when look at certain angle... been with me for more than a month... but has shown little growth except for this week... can see all the new growth... amazing
  8. One of my favourite SPS... Green Plating (maybe whorling) Montipora... bought from a LFS 1 week ago... looking optimistic
  9. What can I say... it's of a nice shape... but not RED enough... no sign of improvement after keeping it for more than 6 months
  10. Wow all the Rics are so nice under your blue light... are they newly harvested or from another reefer?
  11. Bro Fishtalk... u set up a SPS clinic ah? Tomorrow anyone else going? I might drop by
  12. Hehe... it's just a Bristle Star...
  13. The Mystery Wrasse usually moves around very quickly... was lucky to get a clear shot of it Very pretty specimen that loves to squeeze itself into small holes and caves... but developed an exquisite taste for ###### Shrimps
  14. Here's a hidden Gem... a Zanzibar Boxing Shrimp Prefers to be out-of-sight 95% of the time except feeding
  15. Yeah Star Fishes can form very interesting poses... even a Yoga Guru gotto learn from them
  16. No lah... I inherited them from a reefer here... acquired over the entire piece of rock filled with assorted Zoas when he decom'd his tank The Red Prata was added in later
  17. You guys are so happening... really keep the hobby alive
  18. Got pix? Wanna see how the growth is like under that energy-saving PL lamp
  19. Wow... gonna be quite a sight... can get more baby Maximas and place it next to the Squamosa... like babies I'm sure your Clams are enjoying ur MH
  20. Blue Zoas? Wow... must have paid a lot for it... next thing to venture into are some mushies
  21. Surprisingly I've got experience with 6 Cleaner Shrimps... none of them mess with my Clams
  22. Atually depending on the relative size of the 2 specimens... if the shrimps appear to be "bite-size"... then the probably is high It also depends whether they have symbiotic relationship or not... I find Cleaner Shrimps are less likely to be eaten by fish
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