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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. It is Acropora I believe... but can't be sure which variant Healthy polyps extension
  2. Nice Multicolour Blasto... very nice
  3. I think it has something to do with ur BTA
  4. Can... just inform the moderator Your Tube Worms are like palm trees... long trunks
  5. Nah... dun worry about it... just make sure it is not getting direct flow... seems like got 2 heads leh
  6. Ok Ta Ge and Ta Jie... let me try to take some pix tomorrow...
  7. Yeah pipefish are nice... but the flow in my nano is probably too high for the pipefish... and getting it to feed initially can be a challenge
  8. I stay at Woodlands but my tank is in the office... in town
  9. Been a long while never post my Hydor Performer 3000... still working like a horse... cleaned the cup yesterday
  10. Hehe... that exotic pair is in my nano tank... therefore will not be posted here
  11. Yeah I usually buy from AM as I visit there often... actually any LFS will sell and I believe a pack cost around $2 LBS is a good try... although I have no idea how long a pack can last in the fridge
  12. Hehe... yes you spotted right... that's an Anemone Shrimp... but dunno if this residing shrimp will stop the clowns from taking over... do they all 3 have any form of symbiotic relationship? I guess not Will monitor for a few more days... will relocate the shrimp if necessary
  13. Introduced an Anemone (similar to my main tank) last week... together with a pair of unique True Percs Can't really get a nice shot of the clowns... will post later Surprisingly the Zoas are not affected by the tentacles
  14. My Bi-colour Blenny is really desperate for a home... I don't run the Hydor Koralia 1 all the time nowadays as it generates heat and there are too much flow... I will only switch it on once a day for a couple of minutes to blow the dirt on the bottom
  15. Almost forget to introduce my latest LS... 3 pieces of medium size Turbo Snail... to help take care of my Chaeto Farm
  16. Whenever I go LFS shopping... will reward my LS with some Live Brine Shrimps Followed a bro's advise, store unfinished LBS in the fridge (the middle compartment) and it works!!! Most of the LBS are still alive the next day
  17. Look at how pretty they grow... considering the low-tech lighting I've been using... must have been the 24 hours exposure
  18. Can you guys spot the baby shrimp? I suspect they are Flamingo Shrimps fry And there are plenty of them all over my sump right now
  19. Been busy lately... here's a major update Let's start with something mundane... expected... predictable Grow grow grow Relying on a 37W PL running 24 hours a day Despite all the growth... although my PO4 is undetectable using normal test kit... NO3 is still around 1ppm to 2ppm
  20. Hehe... another pair of loving Clowns... it's sad to see Clown being lonely
  21. The noise... the rusting... the evaporation... I will not give up having another small tank... maybe just get a slightly larger tank that can fit an Ice Probe or a Nano Arctica
  22. I am still keen on trying the Ice Probe... but not on this tank... coz there simply isn't enough space
  23. Yes... this is one of the rare cases where SMALL doesn't equate to EASIER
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