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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Time to harvest the macros on top... other than that... a very natural looking tank
  2. Wrong thread dude... but yes... perhaps I should post a pix later
  3. Emm... quite impossible your water can be super clean as there are way too many decomposing organisms within the curing live rocks... however today is just 1 full day of running... it is VERY NORMAL for good skimmers to at least kick-in within 3 days... mediocre skimmers can take 1 to 2 weeks actually
  4. So you are the lucky guy... do post more pix of skimmer... with the amount of gunk in your tank right now... the skimmer will kick-in quicker than expected
  5. Yeah... some NW pumps do emit rattling sound for the first couple of hours of operation... can't wait to see some gunk...
  6. You can check a product review of the Hydor Performer 3000 under the Product Review section... dun worry... it will work like a horse within a couple of days
  7. Guys... let me learn slowly lah... learning is part of the fun
  8. Thanks... now when are you coming back? Hands got itchy or not?
  9. A shot of my clams... they don't look too good at this angle
  10. Oh you reminded me... I still owe you something Thanks for the kind words... will keep on improving it till I can see all my SPS smile And not forgetting my fishies and LPS too
  11. Nah as I've said earlier... it was the Nemo that forced me to decom the tank... nothing to do with your useful comments
  12. Dunno why... but it looks much better in real life In rememberence of my White Nemo...
  13. It's normal for PO4 to sky-high now... as for NO3... normal although didn't expect it to appear so soon... don't worry bro... with your water volume and water flow... things will go back to normal pretty soon A denitrator is quite inevitable for your case as you can't possibly keep enough Chaetomorpha to export nutrients... if you are planning on biological method denitrator... the higher the NO3 in your water, the faster it will run-in
  14. I like the BODY more than the HEAD
  15. Polyps extension looking really optimistic... gotto agree Plating Montipora is one of the easier SPS to keep
  16. Transfered this Bi-Colour Blenny from my nano tank... this little guy has a very interesting character
  17. Here's my Bi-colour Blenny... in its new home
  18. Yeah at one point... I did consider a 24G nanocube
  19. Here's a demonstration of the Coralvue Dimmable E-ballast... the right MH is dimmed to the minimum while the MH on the left is running on maximum power
  20. Afternoon sun (4 hours only)... FULL FORCE 4 x 54W HO T5 ATI Aquablue Spezial 2 x 250W MH Reeflux 12000K 2 x 54W HO T5 ATI Blue Plus
  21. Morning and late afternoon... with: 2 x 250W MH Reeflux 12000K 2 x 54W HO T5 ATI Blue Plus
  22. Nah... just a simple device... it's not a new idea btw Ok as promised, a series of pix to show different lighting moods throughout the day Start with dusk and dawn... just 2 x 54W HO T5 ATI Blue Plus (will summarize all with time plan later)
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