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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Here's another fish I bought this morning... the reason? Soon to be revealed... and it ain't pretty
  2. Nice looking... landscape Love the skimmate... more more more
  3. Bro Chercm... I think feeding every 2 days may be a little too extreme... unless you are facing difficulty like high nutrients and algae bloom... daily feeding will ensure healthier fishes and inverts... furthermore hungry fishes are more likely to fight
  4. Yes... non stop actually... i will take a pix of it tomorrow... hopefully there's sign of a bloated tummy
  5. Welcome to SRC!!! Do get your protein skimmer up and running soon More pix please
  6. I got a feeling bro Teo is using 4 x Tunze Stream 6100 The light blue background really brings out the colour of the SPS... a very colourful tank... full of life
  7. My efforts finally paid off... the PBT is eating
  8. Extremely beautiful Anthias... oh I am drooling now
  9. Ok... updates coming soon... I got a feeling I will add a fish or two tomorrow
  10. At least mount it properly with your magnet... I see you are just laying it on a piece of rock atm
  11. Just a precaution... your Tunze on the right should be secured properly... any mishap can be disastrous... imaging ur Tunze tilted upwards and water start to shoot to your MH above
  12. Yeah... it is kinda blur actually... blurzing
  13. Yupe... my Cleaner Shrimps molted shell Talking of cleaning... my 2 Cleaner Shrimps refuse to clean my fishes anymore They have forgotten their role I will introduce 2 smaller specimens soon
  14. Bro the best is not to use any medication/chemical... try to find out the source of the problem
  15. My tank is a lot cleaner now... can somehow tell from the recovering SPS and undetectable NO3 and PO4... Hydor is still skimming although not as much as before
  16. Caught the crab... it's very tiny (next to the toothpick i used)... I think it consumes the Acropora's polyps
  17. Your tank looks very spacious... do you intend to add some low lying rocks in front? Or you are going for the "sand bed filled with gems" concept
  18. My designer told me... the red coral is eating the shrimp So I have to explain the whole concept of molting to her... and also the danger of Prata choking itself
  19. Thanks... yeah I was lucky Emm... give me a bit more time... not ready yet
  20. Wah so fast pressure me already Wait lah
  21. You can epoxy some Suns underneath the overhang too... but it will make target feeding more challenging
  22. But BT grows very quickly... shockingly quick... do consider that
  23. Same piece taken 1 month ago... notice the growth also... seems to have more branches now
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