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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Time for some pix... 5 of my 6 new Walt Smith's SPS are looking good... here's my favourite with nice polyps extension
  2. Guys, just to highlight that the usage of a UV Sterilizer is not a necessity as there are many reefers do not run a UV... however I've decided to add it to my system (at least for the time being) as I've added a few new fishes last few weeks and some of them are known to be ich magnets And the recent algae bloom is also part of the reasons... if everything is to settle down... I might just disconnect the UV until the next time I add new fishes And do bear in mind that almost all living organisms that pass through the UV will be sterilized... either killed instantly, damaged/injured or not being able to reproduce... that includes good bacterias also. This can potentially be a problem for those keeping SPS and relying on these good bacterias for natural feeding... for my case, I do dose sufficient food such as Roti-feast, Phytoplanktons, Reef-roid, Cyclopeeze, Zooplanktons and also the old-fashion "stirring of sand bed". Everything has its pros and cons
  3. Unfortunately I still consume them... although I wish they were synthetic most of the time... but that's another form of cruelty
  4. I frequent CF... and I must talk to them about recommending their clients 5 Black Tips in a 84" tank
  5. You got a friend working in there? Now that's a priviledge Can you check with him what's the minimum water volume (or tank in dimensions) suitable for keeping 2 x Black Tip Sharks?
  6. Bro you sure Underwater World will take your donation? What's the dimensions of your tank?
  7. I usually order from www.sewatec.com their pricing is quite ok once you get their 17.5% VAT rebate... however... once it reaches our shores... the gov might charge you GST payable to the delivery man In my opinion, this kinda buying option only makes sense when you are to buy something not available locally... or else the waiting time of 2 weeks to 1 month can be unbearable
  8. Emm... that's an interesting question... I actually went for this brand as it is known (specializes) in producing UV Sterilizer... it runs on an Electronic Ballast which saves electricity.. I guess in the end of the day it is a matter of preference
  9. I dun know really... after running for 8,000 to 10,000 hours... I'll probably get a new piece They do sell replacement bulbs online You know me... I love taking risks
  10. Firstly, there are commercially available Live Sand/Aragonite out there in the market... I myself been using a particular brand in setting up 2 tanks... partly due to the convenience of not needing to wash them before pouring into the display tank. Some experts believe they work... some believe it's a total waste of money... it really depends on you as a consumer in the end. As for Grade size, again it depends on what you intend to keep. As your tank is rather small, I will suggest you go for a coarser grain. As coarse as possible as grade 0 sand will give you a lot of difficulty later on when you are to advance further in the hobby hence adding more and more wave makers. With 1.5ft, it is quite hard to place a Tunze Stream in there without causing craters on the sand bed if you are to use Grade 0. But the advantage of having Grade 0 sand is of greater aesthetic and some of your tank inhibitants will appreciate it more such as gobies, wrasses and certain kinds of inverts. All the best!
  11. Actually it doesn't matter much... but again it depends on how much detritus/rotten organisms your rocks releasing and it might not be a bad idea to remove them... as for sponges, I don't believe there is any sponge specifically designed for removing Nitrate... as for Phosphate, you definitely need a lot of absorbing power right now and PO4 removing granules are much more effective be it in stocking bags or running in FR. So yes, you can choose to run your Phosphate remover now All the best!
  12. I've got 2 specimens in my tank... but somehow the dominant specimen (right) always case the passive around... the passive specimen is not eating well
  13. Cute little Randalli... a fine scavenger actually... even clear detritus and micro algae off my macro algae
  14. I wonder how sis Waner wears a Hand Phone Strap... kinda kinky actually
  15. Added a new toy 3 days ago... De Bary UV with electronic ballast... only consumes 15W I bought direct from Germany
  16. Been a long while never update my lovely skimmate With the increased bioload... I am getting ultimate gunk nowadays... I am a very happy man
  17. Thanks sis... can't wait to see them all colour up
  18. Wow the purple is lovely... now who would reject such a piece?
  19. Here's a funny piece... nicknamed Pineapple It's an Acropora Hyacinthus that will eventually grow into a table top... it is tan/pink colour with baby blue tips Requires lots of flow The encrusting at the bottom is pretty nice too
  20. Let me introduce my first piece of Walt Smith... also my first Pocillopora... must thank a fellow reefer (SPS expert) in helping me choose all the nice specimens The colour is pale pink (a bit violet under blue light) at the moment... hopefully I can see intense pink soon
  21. Yeah that Thai woman... not scared of mosquito Kenyo, bought any SPS PP, yes the cleaner shrimps are cleaning themselves... not what you have mind Bought 6 pieces of SPS last night (Walt Smith Shipment) but I got a feeling not all 6 pieces will look good in the ehd. Here's what I did last night (2.30am)... just unload the SPS onto the sand bed and tend to them this morning
  22. Shot this yesterday... a Cleaner Shrimp cleaning another Cleaner Shrimp... how amusing
  23. The Flame Hawk is alright... just a tiny bit annoying sometimes when it decides to sit on my SPS Sis were you there last night? I wore a white cap... the only one I think
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